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Everything posted by mustangman2011

  1. http://jalopnik.com/shelby/ more info pics here
  2. Well that sucks..get better soon...so I am guessing since your were cited you dont have any legal recourse
  3. http://www.innovatemotorsports.com/products/lm2.php
  4. There is a hand held display one too...not for permanent display
  5. What is Indy heads? What shop is it at/did the work?
  6. http://www.annualcreditreport.com is the legit free one Also, judgements(garnishments) last 10 years in Ohio and can be renewed.a
  7. mustangman2011


    How long has the tranny been doing that for?
  8. so the air bags were never replaced?
  9. Looks good..still waiting for settlement money
  10. Any pics of the rusts spots? underneath is solid right?
  11. I'll drive it for a plane ticket and traveling expenses
  12. Do some of you guys have big bitch tits or something?
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