You want to get a 05/06 truck. They have the updated turbo that throws the fins out everytime it shuts off. The 03/04 trucks didnt do this.If you didnt run the dog shit out of them often the fins would get stuck out and immediately overboost when you pushed the throttle. The revision fixed this. Do a egr delete asap. Head studs I have never done them on one before. You do want to get a filter on the cooling system though. The blocks have sand in them from being cast. Change the filter 2 times and the sand will be gone. Also the 05/06 trucks are better looking with the new fashia and they have a much tighter turning radius and ride since its coil vs leaf sprung.
Any 454. THe only 454 that have issues is the mark V which is a 95 motor.
I have the expensive ass head gaskets with these as well if you pay asking price.
I have a set of 454 Vortec heads that cam off a motor with 74k miles on it. The motor blew a head gasket so one chamber has some surface rust on it. The heads overall are in great shape. If you dont know they are a very good big block head.They are somewhere between rectangle ports and peanut ports. They will also help fuel mileage and raise compression by design.
$300 obo
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I just sold mine. It was a 2007 gray ms6. 70k miles on it. Mint condition. Had new clutch, catless DP, INtake, catback, TIP, and a tuner. Made 320whp:) sold it to my buddy like last month for payoff which was $9k. Just keep looking.