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Everything posted by 1badeagle

  1. I have a bolt on speed 6 if your interested.....:gabe:
  2. Im just happy this thread didnt die like that last one..In closing all I can say is.....Blue reverse lights on Maroon car. Actually blue reverse lights on any car...That makes you a "phaggot".
  3. Are teh scratchs just on the bumpers or over the entire body? Painting bumpers and a new seat wouldnt be much of a big deal for me.
  4. Good looking GTO. Love the wheels and congrats. Jelly of the 70*
  5. Everyone needs to realize its not a nice car. It is a totalled salvage title blue interior light having piece of shit.
  6. Were you eating breakfast at your buddies when imstock kicked in your door with his prostetic leg begging for your help to save him from the 2 hoods rats that could have potentially been raping his wife since he ran off?
  7. Im for sure Kimbo. I clearly said if it came down to a ass beating its one that I would have taken. Im not gonna run to my brother and his butt buddies to protect me while I dont even know where my wife is. Im not in a gun club either. If I had been in the situation that you were in(even though I dont hang out with trashy drug sluts) I could have ran away like you and then drawn my weapon and protected myself. You just keep back peddling dude. First you had time to run away and get in the house, then you wouldnt have had time to get a gun out. Your a fucking half retarded illiterate story changing fuck. I seriously watched you on every forum make a fucktard out of yourself. You need to just sit back and use the forums for emergency purposes only unless you want to be laughingstock instead of imstock.
  8. I already made it clear. Shot the "Phaggots" as you called them or man the fuck up and kick some ass or take a ass beating like a man.
  9. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0_Pq0xYr3L4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. If hes running from the law and assulted you, you should have done the state a favor and pulled out your gun and shot the fucker....oh nevermind....Run away
  11. Did you learn your lesson about fucking his slutty crackwhore girlfriend yet or did that wack to the back of the head not teach you?
  12. My IQ straight drops when I read your post. I would shoot someone.....Thats why I carry a gun? If your not prepared to use it why carry the uncomfortable heavy bastard around. By the way I have shot target and squirrels and rabbits and coyote and deer and a moose with "half a thigh muscle"!! On to new questions. If you break down CCW the first C stands for CONCEALED...How would they have known you had a gun. When he pulled out his nun chucks Id pull out my gun and they would either roll out or advance to a level of druggy jelly in the street. Are you serious that we dont regenerate health? That shits wack "homie".
  13. You do realize since your just got out of the service you dont even have to take the ccw class right? just go get your ccw and a gun. Problem solved...../THREAD
  14. I carry a fucking gun and dont hang out around crack whores. So I would have no issues
  15. Im suprized you could run since your missing half of your thigh right?
  16. Idiots like me would have knocked the fuck out of both of them and protected my wife...Not run to my brothers like a little bitch. Save me brother save me!!!!!!
  17. We dont think. We know you did, you just told us.
  18. I have a 88 f body and I dont think the tank is to hard to drop as long as you know the panhard bar out. I absolutely refuse to chop a hole in the floor. If you take a look over at thirdgen.org there are some creative ideas about adding a hindge setup to the floor to access the sending unit.
  19. I bought the same gun from buckeye. Deadly accurate out of the box with the iron sights, Ive put of 3k rounds through mine with no problems or jams yet.
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