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Everything posted by BrendanB

  1. He's already got it up on FB, not sure about the website yet lol
  2. Same price for Vanity plates if you already own that plate number? I hate the farm ones...
  3. My sister as well as my extended family basically all live in Boston, they're all alright but it's crazy this is happening. Prayers with all the families involved, hopefully we don't hear about more than just the two deaths. Horrific to hear one of the dead is 8 years old.
  4. Waiting for Doc's reply if this is who I'm thinking their group is, LOL.
  5. In, finally getting out to hit some balls this weekend at the driving range
  6. I'm in, can finally see how bad my stock LS1 numbers are LOL
  7. Extremely unfortunate news reading that earlier when it was just the viper wrecked, and now seeing that it was fatal. I don't get why they don't just keep guardrails though? Cables have historically had the history of severing limbs and other body parts with enough force against them, and this accident definitely shows how bad they can be with a massive collision.
  8. Sounds good, I'll plan on driving the next Ackerman or NTR event! Awesome! I'll probably still become a member for the financial reasons, thanks for the info!
  9. New tires are 1 paycheck out, so I'll have them on the new wheels within the next 2 weeks, then I should be good to come do it! :fuckyeah: I probably wouldn't do more than spin out on my current bald all season's LOL. Do I need to become an SCCA member first?
  10. Anyone wanna get a group of cars all together, meet up at Easton or something earlier, and drive there in a group?
  11. Sounds interesting, annoyed I missed watching it lol.
  12. AWESOME truck!!!! Always loved those van-based trucks, so cool looking!
  13. That green NA Miata looks awesome! Annoyed I waited for my friend to go, and got there as everyone was leaving :no: going at 9 again next week, lol
  14. Unfortunately I had to work till 4:30 today, anyone got pics of the event? Glad to hear it was a good turnout!
  15. Where was that? Looks like a fun time!
  16. Competition Orange looks awesome, loving that Mach 1 as well
  17. Beat Aaron finally? Saw one of your 43 second runs lol
  18. Anyone going to sawmill tonight?
  19. En route now, good amount of cars?
  20. Clunkers LOL. Bring the diesel Benz!
  21. Yeah, no thanks. I feel like that's definitely taking it a step too far for "adrenaline junkies"
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