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Posts posted by Dharris89

  1. Just got back with the fam. It's huge but there other than some grilled chicken we didn't buy anything. There were more Elmer Fud shot guns than I have ever seen in one place before. There was actually a sign that said kettle corn and guns and pointed tward the same booth. I should have taken a pic. There were a few good deals on ar's but I was disappointed as I went looking for a new toy.
  2. Huge Flea Market in Johnstown this weekend, and yes guns are everywhere


    Hmmm. Have you been there? Is it family friendly - can I go with the wife and kids or is it kind of seedy like th Westland gun shows. Either way I'll go but will I go alone.... Thanks

  3. Emergency essentials is another good place. Their website is beprepared.com. They used to even give free samples. They have both mre's and long term food storage.
  4. +1 on exercise. It releases chemicals in your body including serotonin which helps regulate how you feel. I have always struggled with mild depression. I take a natural supplement called Sam-E. it's sold otc and you can buy it in bulk at Cosco. It's nothing crazy or as heavy as adderall but it helps take the edge off.


    Also changing your inner monologue will help. When you start thinking you have failed or something is not worth doing, try thinking about yourself or your task from someone else's point of view. Basically if you think say to yourself "I suck because I can't make 100k a year" try saying "I'm succeeding because my bills are paid and there's food in my belly". Good luck.

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