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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Cool idea until it breaks outta warranty and the customer is stuck with a monstrosity of a bill to replace the engine lol
  2. Lifters go bad, usually wipes the cam Outside of that not too bad really. My 5.7 in my truck has been flawless
  3. I'm in for the next track day. Anything in the works?
  4. Pretty badass, would be awesome with a vid I had one charge at me when I was 13ish. I kicked that thing as hard as I could in the face and it didn't give a fuck. Never have I ran that fast in my life.
  5. I don't know what it will run, it know what it won't run. Wont touch 9's, maybe even 10's, wont go 13's, if it goes 13's+ its either mechanical failure or traction issues.
  6. My 1992 weighed 200+ lbs more, was on twins at 14psi, stock cams, junk fuel system and hitting boost cut and still ran a 12.9. This setup has cams, standalone, E85, better gearing and a moderate sized single. Really shouldn't be hard to dip deep into the 12's with a junky 60' just to prolong the diff. No anti-lag or launch control. Just rolling out at 3k feathering the clutch. Even at the same boost level this turbo flows a lot more
  7. Proefi 128- $1600 Plug and pin kit- $170 Can cable- $400 3x pressure sensors @ $150/ea 2x temp sensors at $40ea O2 sensor setup $150 Harness from $600diy, up to $1800 professionally Tune $1200ish Should equal $5250ish, split difference on harness, look it up if you don't believe me. Induction performance has the cheapest pricing. Wiring specialties for harness work.
  8. $5000 gets an ecu, harness, pressure sensors and tune homie. Maybe a set of cams and springs on top
  9. Fuck it ill go from a dig for anyone lets do it.
  10. I responded in the other thread, no. Springboro It literally says that a few inches to the left of this text.
  11. Lolwut you retarded m8? I wasn't aware you knew every detail about me. Can you check and see what my Amazon gift card balance is? I forget how much it is and I'm trying to get a new French press. Don't take your frustrations of your ex cucking you out on me man. Things happen for a reason. No need to make it personal. You may judge how far ahead you are on a different scale than me which is fine. We all are at different points, life is only a race with yourself and I'd say I'm ahead of where I could be. As far as where I should be? No idea. I'm pleased with where I am, not content but I'll never be content. Everyone has room for improvement. I couldn't give two shits less about your rental properties or whats left of them post divorce, investments, etc. That's good for you that you made the right choices. When you were doing that I had other choices to be made that were unrelated to that sort of stuff. Like I said, life's a race but only with yourself. I dont concern myself with where I am in life with others. I dont know what windfalls, struggles, choices, etc. they did or didn't have.
  12. I guess the best part about my car is its mine. If i want to boy touch it and let it sit and take "too long" on shit I can and it doesn't bother me. This hobby is pretty far down my hobby list right now, maybe tenth on a good day, and even further down the priority list. Glad i have such a big fan base though...
  13. I'm not saying it isn't. But when you have an issue and basically say "Hey my car makes a noise when i turn the wheek thing" is a pretty awful description and is why nost experienced techs didn't chime in. He does still have a lot to learn and it's obvious. I'd be really interested seeing how quickly he could get what I did done, or at least how quickly he thinks he could get it done. Hell even an estimate of how long and how many hours of labor it should have taken me woukd be interesting to see.
  14. My comment was relating to your pretty vague description of what your car is doing. You are pretty clueless as to what I did huh? I would legitimately pay to watch you year a car down to literally just metal and glass and replace every harness, rebuild a differential, or do any number of the tasks I did on this car. I know you needed help just installing a simple boost controller on a previous car so i have no clue why you are talking shit to me. "Learning" isn't really a thing on a boost controller, the guides and resources availible online are overwhelming and make that sorts stuff insanely easy. Literally a 15 minute task. Wire up a 128 pin ecu then hit me up man. Until this just sit in the sideline and worry about your hair and shoes.
  15. The only Anal penetration happening between him and I will be my car violating his car.
  16. Hey my car makes a noise when I drive it, any idea what might be wrong?
  17. Amazed I didn't see much about this on here. I had read about him online awhile back and heard he was in some hot water, but I didn't think much about it until I watched "Dirty Money" on Netflix and saw the real deal about what he was doing. Most recent Jalopnik article. https://jalopnik.com/convicted-payday-loan-mogul-scott-tucker-has-absolutely-1822496589
  18. I'm not racing on 40* roads. I'll come over in April or May for a C&C. Everyone can show up and do their shit talking on me and my car, we can go race and see what happens.
  19. Middle of winter bud. I asked vaper to race in October but I think his car was still at the body shop.
  20. Not even close. Springboro
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