Lolwut you retarded m8?
I wasn't aware you knew every detail about me. Can you check and see what my Amazon gift card balance is? I forget how much it is and I'm trying to get a new French press.
Don't take your frustrations of your ex cucking you out on me man. Things happen for a reason. No need to make it personal.
You may judge how far ahead you are on a different scale than me which is fine. We all are at different points, life is only a race with yourself and I'd say I'm ahead of where I could be. As far as where I should be? No idea. I'm pleased with where I am, not content but I'll never be content. Everyone has room for improvement. I couldn't give two shits less about your rental properties or whats left of them post divorce, investments, etc. That's good for you that you made the right choices. When you were doing that I had other choices to be made that were unrelated to that sort of stuff.
Like I said, life's a race but only with yourself. I dont concern myself with where I am in life with others. I dont know what windfalls, struggles, choices, etc. they did or didn't have.