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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Do they still sell the IPL trim stuff?
  2. Lol at spuds who bought 2 days ago. Dat crash. Looking at the bid and offer walls right now it isn't looking too hot.
  3. Man I love those cars. Each time I get into a newer Infiniti at work I fall in love and gotta get out before I sign on the line
  4. People keep saying "Bruh we need crypto currency because inflation and the dollar isn't stable Bitcoin has had more volatility in 8 months than the dollar has in 80 years LOL
  5. I'm happy with my NVDA investment 3-5 years ago. I regret not placing that money into bitcoin. However NVDA still hooked me up and bitcoin will continue to help.
  6. Not to mention im looking to build a house and make a career move shortly after that. I literally dont know how else to say how little interest I have in this or any other car now.
  7. Uhh yea. 100%. I'm done with cars I've been doing it as a hobby and for a living the last 5 years and im sick of everything relating to them. The lines between work and fun are blurred and even just looking at this thing gets me in a shitty mood. I'm not going to dump another $7k+ into it getting it to where I want it to be and likely still not enjoy it.
  8. I mean it still runs and drives. It would be a great selling point as well. "Puts 5 bus lengths on rebuilt titled Vipers at 1/4 the cost!"
  9. I've asked him to race no less than 3 times. He won't respond to the offers I've given. Literally have offered to drive to him, whatever race he wants. Nothing.
  10. Had one growing up, it bit the hell out of my finger, two days later it bite my dad bad. It was placed out of it's misery I think
  11. About what you'll look like when you realize dat vepr can't hang
  12. Pffft. Laziest guys at my place of work are in their 50's. Sit on the computer all day finding the graviest work.
  13. This mother fucker sent me on a legit month long binger trying to figure this shit out
  14. All I gotta say is after 12 hours at work and getting a joint deep and 2 hours into youtube, some of that shit gets convincing
  15. 60e is junk Rusted everything like Cordell said. Rockers rust, bed rusts.
  16. Lemme take you for a ride on 30psi bub. We will see who is the pussy
  17. L*****, y** l** l*** a j****** w*** y** t*** l*** t***. I don't think anyone in my age group is a pussy, mainly just too poor to do stupid shit or just really don't want the hassle of dealing with the ticket. It isn't the slap on the wrist like it used to be
  18. Usually get on PUBG or another PC game for 2-3 hours, browse real estate listings for 30 minutes, sip a beer or two during this. Typically get off PC and head to the couch around this time and read a book or watch a movie until 6am-ish then get 6 hours of sleep and head back into work
  19. I forgot you are the type that writes checks instead of doing it yourself This isnt the traction control that came on your viper that keeps you out of the ditch or hopefully off the wall
  20. What's funny about this is I've tried numerous times to race you, and you won't bite. When you want that race get with me in the spring. I'd absolutely love to turn it up with traction control on and make some wanna be exotic owners get in their feels
  21. Maybe I just haven't driven anything fast but my car on 16psi-ish (anything above that is just rolling burnout central until I hook up traction control) on the street is enough for me. By the time I floor it long enough from a roll to get my fix of turbo/CHOOCHOO noises (5-10 seconds) I'm nearing 140 and would rather not pay that inevitable ticket. In the limited time my car has been running this year it has been fun putting absolute bus lengths on anything I've come across. Typically it is a FWD shitbox like a Fiesta/Fuckus ST, MS3 but I've had a few newer 5.0's and even a Regal GS try to drop a gear. I guess it depends what "league" you want to be in. For me 500 wheel is enough on the street to get into some shit I'd rather not be in.
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