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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Rumor I heard on the Facebook's today. Anyone have any more info?
  2. Steve you aren't getting this and it is a super simple concept He wants to work out of his garage until it takes off, then slowly transition into a full time operation and quit his day job. It isn't about the money (even though everything is) as much as it is about doing something that makes him happy and running his own shit and making what he is worth.
  3. Maybe because none of us really have money for it lol The economy has been in the shit for a good bulk of most millenials lives, our interests portray that.
  4. I have warehouse access which I would pay no rent or electricity for, or if so it would be at a rate much greater than my current overhead at my house. Debated stealing neighbors electric and burying the extension cord but that would be a crime and a lot of effort to keep on the dl and do quickly
  5. His friends are saying that he was just another misunderstood immigrant. Unfortunate for the victims.
  6. Bitcoin and Ether have proven to be profitable enough for me that I didn't need to save a penny for a down payment for a house. But then again I have a dedicated rig I got dirt cheap and have no overhead on using it electricity wise.
  7. For a fraction of the cost you could make more power with a JZ or LS. Pass. I'm not gonna pay mid $20's to have something making the same power I could have for $8-9k tops
  8. Most have had plumbing and electrical upadated
  9. Looking at some houses since I have recently relocated to Dayton, most homes that have peaked my interest are those that are older, mainly 1875-1920. Most have been somewhat updated as far as plumbing and electrical go, however a common trend I am noticing is that the floors tend to have a slope to them, usually the house has a high spot in or towards the middle, then going down towards the edges. Is this normal due to settling over the years, and if so, how safe? Can I reasonably expect to own this home for years to come with no or minimal issues as a result of this? I know the obvious signs of foundation issues, doors not shutting or shutting hard, windows as well, plasterboard cracked, etc. However when all of those seem fine yet the floor is sloped I am a touch worried. The most recent showing I went to this morning had an oddball set of issues I am somewhat baffled by. The main floor has the same aforementioned issue, however the upstairs has a bedroom that the middle is low, then the outer areas are high. The floor seems a bit "bouncy" to me when I'm walking so I'm a tad concerned with water damage, or worse. I went to the room below and found the ceiling seemed to follow the same trend, low in the middle, higher to the edges. Pics of house included, trying to explain as best I can. The wall for that bedroom is definitely this kitchen wall I have pictured. Hoping this all makes sense. Bedroom: You can see the carpet looking odd in the center, that is the low area Kitchen: The photo almost shows the bow but it is hard to tell if the lense and field of view or depth or whatever tomfoolery they do with the camera to make the bedroom look bigger is causing it. Any input is appreciated. Unless it is "Don't buy an old house, etc." I seem to have a knack for buying old shit, taking 5x as long to do a half ass job and then giving up (ever heard of my Supra? Yea...)
  10. I have under $8000 in my supra and its 700hp capable. Just sayin
  11. Pm me shipping info and I'll get you a price
  12. All bought from jegs, never had fuel run through them although a few were installed. All in good condition unless noted otherwise -10 black male to male union straight -10 male to female union straight -10 hose to male fitting straight, has some marring on the nut from a wrench slipping -8 90* female to hose x2 one has a small scratch on the bend portion All the above are black This is blue and red -6 hose to male not quite a 180* but close. Mayne a 125*? I literally will give these away for free, just pay shipping. I really don't want to throw them out.
  13. Initial story was guest below was former mil, reported shots then security guard went to the correct floor, shooter spotted him via cams and opened up, now this? If it looks like a duck.....
  14. Venezuela collapsed because socialism. Not just because oil
  15. I'd subscribe. It will be months before he gets around to it. He's the typical liberal. Bitches about EVERYTHING yet somehow never has a solution
  16. Tell me which is worse Kerry, hell even tell me which is more truthful without interjecting with some other "right wing extremist" quote from years past. 1."If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing, I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters." 2."But having covered scores of gun-related crimes over the years," he writes, "I can tell you that government restrictions will not stop psychopaths from harming people. This is the price of freedom. Violent nuts are allowed to roam free until they do damage, no matter how threatening they are." You are a LOT older than me. You should know that there are more ways to kill or injure people/property than guns. Oklahoma City used literally zero rounds of ammunition.
  17. Said before I could say it You are a douche because you instantly divert from anything that takes credibility away from your platform in an attempt to take more credibility away from the other guys. You have a complex that causes you to refuse that you might actually be wrong once in a blue moon. The worst part is people like you are the reason why the political divide in this country deepens. You have a condescending tone to anyone who has a differing view of you and you're just a douche relating to political stuff, no two ways about it. You've literally come onto a local car forum, set off a bomb of political shit, told everyone they were wrong and shown your ass then wonder why people don't really care for you anymore....
  18. You are such a douche lol "Muh liberalz got fired but bill oreally said sumfin bad too!!! He is way worse guiths I promise!!
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