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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. I am placing my bets on the don again. Also big fucking LOL at you dipshits who couldn't have given a fuck less about the debt when Ron Paul ran in '08, voted in war hawks your whole fukn life NOW when its basically too late you want taxes raised while still maintaining big .gov spending sprees. GTFO
  2. So is Biden your "pro-business" pick over Trump? You do work in that big bad sector that needs to be taxed way more according to certain folk....
  3. Clay didn’t you rave about Trump last election?
  4. You absolutely cannot deny Biden has been failing to put forward a consistent set of policy positions in the last 1.5 year. We are talking about Biden, not Trump. If you want to talk about Trump that's fine, but this is proves one of the points I'm making. Everyone is saying constantly "BUT TRUMP", ok that's fine, but what about Biden? Why can't Biden and his policies stand alone? Is he that weak that you have to prove that Trump is weaker? Is Trump that good you have to try and tear him down at every turn? Or is it simply that it's easier to attack another's position than to try and defend your own?
  5. I get his policy on most things, A quick scroll through his twitter feed will show it. As sad as it is, that is about the only way you can get something concise and to the point from "him" even though it is just a staffer throwing that out there.
  6. I'm not saying I don't want to I'm saying 75%+ of American voters solely vote on party lines. The remainder mainly get their information from mainstream news and clips online. No clips I've seen of Biden he has said the same thing twice about a policy stance when he actually talks about it.
  7. No one i know has the time to thumb through that, let alone stomach the constant "may we have money plz" ads.
  8. Thats fine and dandy, but when asked he confuses himself on his own position and flip flops on numerous topics, even within the same debate. What his website says is irrelevant to me, what he says in a public setting is. It is honestly difficult to follow him on half the stuff he says because he loses his train of thought so easily or just reverts to "Trump isn't doing __________"
  9. Dems are gonna be the reason they lose the election. Basically the platform is "We aren't trump!", "we are going to chip away at gun rights!", "we are raising taxes!" and "orange man bad!" I've not heard a single fucking thing of substance from them. No reasonable policy positions, nothing. The main issue im honestly seeing is there is a mad rush to be the furthest left to avoid being lumped in with the "alt right" that in reality is maybeeeee 2,500 white dudes strong. Where does this get us? Obviously where we are now. By DoD definition we are already in a civil war, its just a low level conflict that is below conventional warfare. I'm gonna place my bets on the Balkanization of America by 2035, mixed with regional conflicts. The coasts and major cities are clearly wanting a different lifestyle and world than those of us not in those areas, which is fine, honestly. If you want high taxes, "free" everything except your life and having to bow down to a bloated .gov, go for it. It's not for me or anyone else. That doesn't make me a racist, just as voting Trump doesn't make me a racist. It's not my fault the dems are propping up a dude who has OBVIOUS signs of mental decline and they played identity politics with their VP candidate. Her qualifications are lacking, just as they were when she got her start. Oh, I'm a racist for saying that? " In 1994, California Assembly speaker Willie Brown, who was dating Harris at the time, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission." Sauce- https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-11-29-mn-2787-story.html So don't give me the bullshit about not supporting a disaster filled ticket as a racist, inept, bigoted, xenophobic decision. It's clear Biden has been propped up as a mere puppet for the dems to hand over the reigns to someone who is as or more equally uncapable of running the country as Trump.
  10. I mean Jesus Christ, this is a "stutter" Lets all just be honest and admit its gonna be Kamala, and she got there by sucking a dick.
  11. You are a legit spud, because 95% of people I know think the same way You are the furthest thing from a lolbertarian Jo Jergens may be a little further away that you.
  12. Wow, typical liberal response "BuT TRuMp iS/iSn'tT!!1!" BIDENS ENTIRE PLATFORM IS "IM NOT ORANGE MAN HE BAD"
  13. I mean if you want to claim that the left is so moral, has moral high ground "they go low we go high", then at least practice what the fuck you preach.
  14. Yeah, since it is only the one side doing it
  15. Dude don't bring a fucking shred of logic to this shit.
  16. Can anyone explain how the left claims moral high ground constantly, yet throw around entire generalizations such as "deplorables", "YOU AIN'T BLACK" and the like? Biden keeps saying he would love to have kicked Trumps ass, etc. Better yet, what about when Biden claims "I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize THSAJEJBVEIBBEAG!"
  17. EFI or the 2300 option. The "older" I get the less I like half steps. Just do it right or dont do it.
  18. Have you done even the most basic diag? See if the starter is getting a switched B+ to engage the starter solenoid Check back in after
  19. Ever wonder why a stray keeps coming back after you feed it? Same thing with homeless. Maybe now its just that people have more money to give away freely.... Two sides to every story
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