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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. The new slogan of the left and msm "BUT TRUMP"
  2. You can throw anything in it, the main thing is you register it and let the car know what is in there. You can switch between AGM and a "regular" battery but the car has to know to adjust its logic accordingly.
  3. BMW basically uses an algorithm with the ECM and other modules to determine how to cycle the alternator. A new battery wont require as much "effort" as an old one. It's all the in name of emissions and fuel economy. If you think thats stupid, that's only the tip of the iceberg with them. Electric water pump(s) (yes, multiple water pumps that are electric on an engine), a single wire comm network used with the water pump and other stuff that shouldnt even need a comm system, water leaks that fry 3-4 modules and cause corrosion on network splices/wires. Footwell modules that shit the bed when the battery dies, or voltage drops, or the car is jumped (even correctly), no used modules, coding of modules, blah blah blah.
  4. Because they are charged 3-4 a tire to have someone come pick them up and dispose of them...
  5. Look at this absolutely solid Democrat idea! https://www.chicagotribune.com/politics/ct-chicago-lightfoot-budget-vote-20201112-sm65e6vdujbxdcbggq5epz2t3m-story.html
  6. Poverty level Vac bleeder or nothing
  7. You don't think this was the case with every other president in history?
  8. Spankis gonna have to delete the deletes on that dirty diesel fuckn RIP m8 https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2020/11/11/biden-climate-change/
  9. Read what I said again very slowly.
  10. I mean to be totally frank im not a huge trump guy, I just love seeing the left melt the fuck down and refuse to realize the double standard they put forth. Right is bad too, but god damn the left is 10x worse.
  11. You REALLY think QAnon "nutjobs" actually have an affect on the general population? That dossier was peddled on MSM as fact for MONTHS bro. Qanon shit is maybe 3 minutes of MSM news coverage a week at most.
  12. Wasn't that the entirety of the Steel dossier though? Baseless claims that were paid to be thought and typed up?
  14. How many months in? I've changed some habits, some friends have, most friends haven't. I FINALLY have a friend in fucking UTAH that has it. Found out my Aunt in a nursing home who has been on lockdown since day 1 has gotten it. NOT saying it is a hoax, but makes you wonder a lot.
  15. Bro you gonna have to sell that deleted dirrrrrty diesel with biden. EPA gonna be getting summons for all delete kits and tunes sold within the last 15 years. BIG F for respect When you wanna sell it for penis on the dollhair lmk.
  16. I sent you a PM on facebook Yes, it needs registered. Even if you have a battery in a week in a BMW then swap it out, you still need to register it. Will anything bad happen if you don't? Probably not. Is it worth the risk? Not really
  17. 95% chance everyone cheering for Biden now regrets it when Kamala runs out of dicks to suck to win in 2024 LOL
  18. Ok This sealed the deal HE BLEW 2016 DUDE BIG LEAGUE He isn't to be trusted, I JUST MENTIONED this on facebook 2 weeks ago
  19. Had beef He said my supra was shitbox I said his veper was wrecked We did big mads Now he k
  20. The 3 options of how the dems are looking at their TV's now.
  21. ^^^^^^^^ I actually like Miller now
  22. HERE COMES THE BIG MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F for respek
  24. OMG YOUNG TURKS MELTDOWN I AM DED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64GvIfUd9Zo&ab_channel=TheYoungTurks
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