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Everything posted by imstock2

  1. I wouldn't lie Brian. I would be stating a more truthful event but I can tell you the response that'll go on that thread won't be pleasant once I wake a dead thread. I'm down to do it anyhow because I found more help from ls1tech than there. Your rep wasn't at all hurt because no one on that site knew who tuned the car or even what state it was tuned. Besides Casey of course but he should of texted me before bringing up your the same guy that tunes IPS cars.. I could of explained why I was saying the things I did. Again I'm sorry you think it could possibly hurt your rep but you have tuned quite a few 1khp cars that was built right. I remember you telling me that I was playing with fire. You did your job as a tuner and I just needed to do mine as a hobbiest and man up to my mistake . I will gladly revive that thread, mention you as the tuner, throw some 1k rwhp cars you tuned, and give them the story if you wish
  2. In class we was talking about banning gun subject.. As soon as the teacher asked what we thought about it some guy came out of nowhere gave what rank he was,how many times he deployed, some info what happened to him and then finally gave his insight of his views of banning guns.. Keep in mind all the guy talks about is shit that's happened to him supposedly like he's trapped in that mindset or he wants people to feel sorry for him idk. I think he played to much call of duty and talks out of his ass.. Everyone meet these kinda guys.
  3. Honestly I forgot all about it, and really didn't think it was much concern because I didn't point figures and gave names
  4. Done. But like I said.. No one knew you tuned my car or even had a clue until Casey got on saying you also tune IPS cars like I didn't already knew that? I'll make a new thread or would perhaps I update that one and mention your name?
  5. Farm truck your talking out of your ass again. You can't relate people's experience's in reguards to your grand fathers.. You have no idea what the hell your talking about and going off of others people experience's.. Because I don't talk about what I did or seen doesn't mean nothing happened. I choose not to and I never tell war stories to anyone.. You can't explain shit to somebody that has no clue wtf. I learned those who talk the most done/seen the least. There's shit that you just don't talk about to anyone even the guys that was next to you during the time. I go to school and hear these army cats talking about this and that bragging about shit you know if he done it he would never speak of.. That pisses me off.. You'll see the vets that plays the prior military card and talks about there service, Then you'll see the vets that you had no idea they was even in and you could just tell they been through some hardship.
  6. What's it to you how and why I obtain my injuries? Brain trama and PTSD is complety different. Your a doctor should you know this? Crushed spinal disks isn't "cureable" there DOC. Didn't you go to school for this shit? So now you come at me with the correct definitions
  7. I think it's cute guys like you get so annoyed from grammar, punctuations, and spelling
  8. Hmm how do you know what the front looks like.. This summer and for ever more you'll just be seeing the tail lights
  9. People choose to spend there cash different. You said something about a college fund? I been putting 100$/month in my kids college fund account since I found out my wife was prego. The 3,033 is for the rest of my life.. The gi bill is only short term and you say I don't take classes seriously? How the hell do you know that? Do you go to school with me? I have like high B's in all my classes
  10. You can't claim va comp while still in service. Cool story but not all PTSD is the same and some people have and take PTSD harder more violent than others.
  11. Makes you think I'm using ls3 heads? Even if I did it would still make more power then your pile
  12. Gov employs pay taxes as well. They pay for their own check. If you made the sacrifices and stepped up and join the military, serve 4 years and deploy to hostile environments, get fucked up in the head then you wouldn't be bitching. You have no idea what I seen or done so before you go post shit like that check yourself
  13. Yes all injuries obtained during service.. My biggest "pay outs" is PTSD and sever brain trama... Then my left theigh, right knee, back stuff, hearing loss
  14. They don't pay for your injuries that don't accure out of service period
  15. Yep in 2 weeks be getting addictional 5,700$ thanks for reminding me
  16. Since oct 1st 2012 I been getting paid 3,088$ for va disabilties.. I rate 100%. It useally takes 6months to a year to find out your findings. They back pay you. Before any of yal hate.. I seen plenty of doctors and been evaluated a few times and the doctors and the gov both agreed I'll be getting this much a month and I think it's for the rest of my life.. Now I'm going to school and reciving 1,500$/month for va as well. Not sure if I can claim unemployment while reciving va comp. The gov takes care of those who serve and risked their lives for your right to post hate on forums (freedom)
  17. People did ask where I got the car tuned? I wasn't about to drop his name. I also said the tuner said it would Be ok to drive it. I'll admit I did fuck up not claim from the get go it was all my fault. My bads and I careless now because that shit already happened. I didn't put a bad Name on Brian and just made me look more potatoe so why are yal bitching?
  18. You don't know what your talking about or skimmed over when I said she was in a running truck and drove off towards my brothers house? Isnt it your bed time or is mommy letting you stay up late tonight because you did your homework school boy?
  19. I never mentioned his name? Or his shop. Who was I blamming again? So piss off. Im glad you neutered dog has bigger balls.. So how about you? If I said brain at dyno tune motorsports fucked my tune then you can argue this. If your an active user on corvette forums you would see how these dudes going through almost always blame the tuner. It's just easier to agree than argue with a bunch of guys over a forum. It does get old even for me. You would also see in those threads people asked me multiple time who tuned the car in which I avoided
  20. Laugh at me? Go play on your scooter sweet heart
  21. Grand sport wide body kit, ccw drag pack:) winning..
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