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Posts posted by imstock2

  1. so will the car actually be done for the first track day april 27th. Orrrrrrr will you not be able to run it since tirediscounters wasnt open to bolt on your light weight gto fronts.


    U realize all the "hard" work is done right? The pictures I post on my build threads are useally about 2-3weeks old ;)

  2. you never showed up or called when i said id be home. im sorry im not rearranging my schedule for $100. i got a tight schedule and if you aint around when i tell you to be, then its whatever.


    U said u would get ahold of me after something and never got back at me.. So I took it as you was messing around and bought another one

  3. I wonder how long before this one shots bearings all over the place as well.


    Better not, I had Callis polish my crank when it was out, replaced the rod and main bearings, plasti gauge and torque the studs to arp specs

  4. Here's the ATI dampner





    Would this answer all your questions?

  5. Gee, where have I seen a thread turn into this before? Seems like I have seen all of this before?


    When I post the entire site all the sudden stop talking about random gun shit and politics and actually group together to try and beat a dead horse.. Gotta admit its cute ;):gabe:

  6. Stock with driver mod. I pulled 2 on him also from a 40 roll while spinning. I would have beaten you no problem.


    Yea with out a doubt u would beat me when I was h/c. But that would be a closer race than where I'm at now. Your car runs strong no doubt but my c6 is in a different league

  7. He's the fucking idiot of the boards these days.... I mean, have you seen his car? It's like a highschooler's wet dream come true. So many tacky MODZZZZZZ, and he's talking it up before the damn thing even runs.


    Twin ceramic bearing 6266's 403. Need I say more? And with my "tacky" hood I still had clearance issues fitting the new intake. Even with the Hinson shorter mounts I have to grind a section out on this hood down to fit.. To my knowledge this hood has the highest rise cowl for the c6

  8. Pretty sure you would have been walked when I put it on the higher boost/timing tune considering i pulled 2.5+ cars on a C6Z from a 60


    On a stock c6z? They're only 450rwhp stock. When I was h/c I pulled about 2 on a c6z from a 30roll (good for him bad for me) to 130.. Done a few autozone mods since then

  9. At this point, if this C6 runs the way the TT one in Texas did against a Whipple Cobra, I'll put my measly old 2v against it...


    Yea there's a bunch of excuses out of that one on both corvetteforum and ls1tech.. A 402, with 58's 15psi should be close to 800-900 rwhp. Appearently his car was tuned retard rich and he just got it out of the shop like 9hrs before he started racing? Idk sounds like bs excuses but I wouldn't mind running you :) you would been better off when I was just h/c

  10. Your right. Maybe we should test that theory. Oh wait you would be betting me with my money already since us taxpayers are carrying you.



    Put up or shut up BIYATCH


    Anybody can go buy parts little fella. Most of us use our hard earned money to do so but that can't be said about you. However, there is way more to this game than buying some parts and talking shit on a forum.


    Consider it a tax break then ;) btw I still pay taxes.. So your passat against my truck?

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