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Posts posted by imstock2

  1. Hey guys, I plan on doing similar mods to my gtr this summer. I'm flying the builder/tuner here to work on my car in my garage (seriously). Should I claim a 9 second pass or do you think it's too early.


    Idk Kirk.. I mean it takes some REAL talent to be able to use the gtr launch control and keep a state of the art awd vehicle in a straight line. Some are even able to do it in "manual mode"!!! After all, only a few gtr guys are able to get into the 9's with bolt ons. Impressive vehicles! :megusta:

  2. It's also faster than a C6 twin turbo that doesn't exist.


    Ooo another I'm faster than you because your building your car kinda guy... Sure beats my friends uncle car is faster than yours IMHO. If you have no life like Sammy you can stalk my photobucket and you would see everything I ever done to this car..

  3. you sound jelous that no one wants you as theres.




    although you might want to go ahead and put the little skirt on, cause people are gonna bend you over you make you there bitch this summer anyway


    Dude, You have a v6 auto car. Enough said

  4. I know he won't get any respect, the question was rhetorical to make him think about how little anyone cares about him or his car. I agree though that the train about to be run on him this summer will be lulzy. I can only hope that I'll be there when he tries to go full tilt against someone faster and a piston or two decides to take a walk.


    Sooo your another cheerleader.. Cute. Who's palm pons are you holding?

  5. How does ones work out relate to tx2k13? The thread started out so see who was going and now leading to working out? Those of you who don't have anything to race why do you even post in this thread? I can't say much for myself because I am crunching this build to get it ready... Their's a few things I'm leaving undone until I get back, like the c6z rear conversion and C6z front end..
  6. when you are investing as much as you are, your losses shouldnt come at the rate that they will...:dumb:


    i will literally have maybe $2k of my money spent in my pos to run you, you will have THOUSANDS of someone elses $ to race me... just bring $100 and idc where it came from :p


    Yea... After the c6z rear conversion it'll Be atleast 13k$(solely depending on which turbos I go with) maybe since I blew my engine. Not counting the lost from the fried ls2.

  7. ohhhhhh shit thats a call out!!!!


    Just make a list of asses you will gape this summer. itll make it easier to wein off the bench racers vs the real racers....



    so far you have:

    steves camaro

    alexs supra

    linn (if his fag ass ever comes out)

    casey ( LOL)

    Wagner ( if he isnt taking real racing pics)

    Juice( i dont see this ending well for you)

    Dover( on HIS bike) ( also, not going well for you seeing as its a 1k)

    myself ( dig only)( big boy racing)


    Right lol.. Hey you win some and lose some. Name of the game

  8. 6'6" 265. And that's after taking a hefty shit in the morning after eating a full meal the night before. Not sure if you know what a full meal is or not. And yeah, I do. Not like a small potato like yourself would be able to know what it means to lift.


    Rightt some reason I think you won't be able to bench half your body weight

  9. Says the guy who has ran no faster than mid 12s....



    What do you want to wager I run a single digit time before you?


    I have no care for the 1/4... You know this. But what would you like to wager you won't beat me this summer?

  10. So what you are saying is you lied about your "disability" and you actually can do things? That's interesting, I thought you couldn't run, squat, etc. But then again you sure did one hell of a job running away from a nunchuck wielding ninja to leave you wife behind.


    Sweety.. Squating isn't the only leg work out you can do. Before you judge a person look in the mirror, aren't you like 6ft 2in 260lbs or some shit like that. Do you even lift brah?

  11. Inb4 imstock shows up to a meet, trembles like a little bitch, and doesn't even talk half as much shit. From the looks of it you're a pretty small dude. Get around some guys that actually use money to eat instead of car parts you may just shake so much you lose bladder control.


    Because I maintain physical fitness? I never start off talking shit unless someone else does. So with your logic. Stop working out.. Get fat and be like the rest of the cool kids like you?

  12. You being called a veteran is a disgrace to military personnel across this nation. You are an idiot who crashed a dirt bike. I will never know how your discharge was honorable, but I dont much care either.


    Lol you mad :) btw cup cake. Your going to need to push more milk in that bottle fed old ass c5 vette to run with me.

  13. Again... astounding that someone could brag so much about getting free handouts... what a loser.



    You better just hope you get that heap of shit salvage title car running, and can keep it that way....


    You earn these benifits by joining the service and reciving a honorable discharge. Cup cakes like you wouldn't know anything about that. The extra income is extremely nice and it's rather nice to recive it. America takes care of her veterans. Don't sweat my build. It'll be up

    • Confused 1
  14. You realize you are only allowed to use educational funds towards specific tuition, educational items, right?


    So, since you make an income, what is your job? How do you 'earn' money (earn being the keyword)...


    FYI, you are the posterchild for entitlement welfare societal leech. I find it highly ironic that you would bash liberals, considering you are the person that republican conservatives argue as the ones the liberals protect and support in draining our economy.


    Your not familiar with the gi bill. The 1,500$/month for bah, you can spend that how you choose. Just hope that bottle feed 416 is enough to beat me this summer cup cake.

  15. Your chump change?!?!?1 LAWL... You are a government freeloader, in the eyes of the gov't you are a disabled vet that needs assistance to survive.... You have income given to you... Its not like you have some great job or make a great income for any work you have put in.... your entire wealth, including "chump change" is welfare.... jackass. :dumb:


    Well no shit.. Because, Obama Twin turbo vette. This isn't my only income. The 4,500$ a month helps though. :megusta: if you don't recall.. I was building this car well before I got my va checks in.. N further more, they have yet to pay me for school! I should be getting a really nice check in soon with that :)

  16. You are so dumb it hurts... here let me help you out, with a good story Dover told titled "TX2K12 experience"




    Basically, you're talking shit to someone who has already been to texas, and was racing cars that would roast your proverbial asshole.



  17. Typical crybaby response. Go learn how to do something productive with your life so you don't have to count on taxpayers' money to build your heap. Since I've contributed more of my own money (by paying taxes) than you have to your build, do I get to drive it? Promise I won't spin it out into a guardrail. What happens when you wreck a salvage titled car? Does it become a double-salvage, or do they just put it out of its misery


    Hmm did I strike a nerve? Don't worry your fanboys will chime in for you

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