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Everything posted by GTTURBO88

  1. Boosted..... that brings back some fun memories.
  2. GLWS sounds like it wont last long.
  3. An Underground Racing twin turbo Gallardo would do it for me.
  4. I love my 10/22, but I also got the M&P 15/22 as well. Its getting a Slide Fire on it. Can't put that on a 10/22.
  5. I didn't read all 14 pages, but i feel dumber already. WOW.
  6. If you can, buy as much stupid shit at Wal Mart. Oil, filters, wiper blades, cleaning products, etc. It really is a lot cheaper than auto parts stores. As for the rest, most of it I buy at Advanced Auto.
  7. Sweet car, but I still like the looks of the C6 better.
  8. Welcome to America 2012. Where common sense will absolutely not be tollerated.
  9. As a parent my heart and prayers go out to these parents. No one should see their child die.
  10. Isn't this kinda like sueing the car dealership because they sold a car that was later used in a vehicular homicide?
  11. Hard to beat Wal Mart for ammo prices.
  12. I don't have a problem with unions, as long as the taxpayers aren't paying for it. It's Democrats I can't stand.
  13. Someone is going to get a great carry gun for $300. I have one of these in a Stoner back pocket holster and I carry it EVERYWHERE.
  14. I bought a PSA for $640. The only thing it lacked was a rear sight. Great rifle for the price.
  15. Yeah but I got you on the ricer flyby.....
  16. I'm envious. Maybe one day.
  17. I wish I was smart enough to post some pics. Im a computer retard. Paul, if you read this hook the people up with what they want to see.
  18. I knew youd be in here eventually. How you been Charlie? You ready to buy my Lightning yet? I,ll trade it for the zo6 in your avatar.....
  19. Hey Alex. The turbo is still sitting on the workbench....... I'm probably going to sell it. I really want to get a new house this year, so the car will likely stay the same. Are you where you want to be with your car?
  20. I would say so. I was serioulsy considering a C5 or C6, but decided I was a poor ass and keep what I have.
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