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Everything posted by JTsBoss

  1. Man I live just down the street. Traffic will suck. Guess Im just going to have to park here on the way home and say Im part of it till later.
  2. Ill take the same thing in green lol..Matches my rig
  3. What about wrapping a drag car? I was thinking of this for my sn95. Like designs and stuff not a color change.
  4. http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u649/jtsboss/2012-06-03154130_zps5daf5289.jpg And my rig http://s1326.photobucket.com/user/jtsboss/media/2012-09-01172154_zps7a649c18.jpg.html
  5. Mo sn95http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u649/jtsboss/umtrscan300res_zpse3bdac55.jpg
  6. Crap... I'm at the pool geting my drink on. .heres a link to the 83 http://m1326.photobucket.com/albums/jtsboss/Red%2083%20Stang/ Trying to get pics from this not so smart phone wile half intoxicated is a bitch. Waggs taught me to like alcohol ..and midgets...
  7. Hey yall poppin in to say hello officially. Iv been around a few avents and have known that Waggz guy since he had hair like Sugar Ray and worked for Disney. I have a few race cars an 83 stang with a 427 a sn95 with a 306 on giggle gas and an 08 GT 3 valve thats soposed to be my driver but the moder in me is haven a hard time leaven it alone. Hope to join you guys at the first track day and shake the cobwebs out of a carb. Thank s all and talk to you soon. JT
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