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Everything posted by Pntbll309

  1. Pm me a number and I can shoot you some pics. The colors don’t match, but it’s free.
  2. I have an older box like the bottom you have. It’s not mint but I was going to toss it on the corner. You’re more than welcome to have it, just come get it.
  3. I just built an i7 8700k, rog strix 2080 setup and I must say it’s incredible. I’m seeing better results than multiple friends with 1080 ti’s. Although a 2060/2070 can’t be beat for the price.
  4. If people will pay $55+ for a civic the sti will for sure sell.
  5. Like the title says. I need them gone now. If you come quick enough I have some mounts and stuff for the pegs. Located around Sawmill/270.
  6. Good price on that 1070.
  7. 1050ti is trash. Find a 1060, sooo much more potential and can be found for around the same price.
  8. Why would you pay tax twice? You’re only going to register the vehicle once.
  9. Get a personal loan from KEMBA, then when you can get the title out of their name, go back to kemba, finance the car, use that money to pay off personal loan and you’ll be left with the auto loan. You’ll lose some money in paying interest, but that’s how you’ll have to do it at kemba.
  10. Due to your age they are probably going to recommend a mono vision type correction. 1 for near and 1 for far. I personally wouldn’t do or suggest that. Because you’re vision will be ok at best for both viewing distances. The reality is your near vision/accommodation ability is going to weaken as you get older so the correction for near you get today will be “outdated” if you will in a Few years. I would suggest doing distance only correction and then wear readers. That way your distance is as crisp as can be, and you can wear readers when necessary. Just my .02 cents from somebody who’s been in the industry for over a decade.
  11. Thanks again Tim for the help (although you did most of the work), the final product is incredible. If we only did just the glass I would’ve been happy, they were atrocious. But everything is just amazing!
  12. It’s only like 10-12 bolts to remove the piece. Takes like 5 minutes.
  13. There’s quite a few people who don’t even run one.
  14. There’s quite a few YouTube videos of guys buying a roll and scratching them off.
  15. Asks for pinstripe ends up with a 4 page essay on how everyone sucks.
  16. Bump. Going to be returning this soon.
  17. Thanks man. It’ll make the next owner happy I’m sure.
  18. Bought one then decided to buy a more expensive unit 3 days later. This ones brand new never used. Has a backing plate so it’s ready to use. Details on Amazon ot Chemicalguys.com for $129. https://www.chemicalguys.com/TORQ_TORQX_Random_Orbital_Polisher_p/buf503.htm?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoOfL0vLx1wIVy0wNCh2tyQn_EAAYASAAEgLZ-vD_BwE Asking $100 firm as that’s what I bought it for in Black Friday. If not I’ll just return it to amazon. Pm works best. Located in Dublin but I work by Easton.
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