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Everything posted by cstmg8

  1. Main difference is that you can make a much lower offer on bank owned. Usually they'll unload at the amount of the mortgage that was owed.
  2. If you're under it and the shooter is up in a parking garage it would! At least gives a little time to asses the situation, or even slide to the other side. This guy was above them for part of the shooting, so car doors prob did little for cover.
  3. I actually remember that beef. Thanks as usual Wags, for the DL on the drag scene.
  4. No one wants to talk about cars in here? I mean I'd feel bad for the Caprices, but give me an Explorer/Tahoe for cover. #Holdenlivesmatter
  5. I'm calling BS, but someone's about to get arrested!
  6. Pretty cool. Wonder what they ran and does anyone know "Phil"?. Any chance he's in Ohio to go to good guys?
  7. On a car related note, (I know, crazy) if you were a cop, wouldn't you rather have a vehicle with higher ground clearance? In a situation such as this, you could roll under your vehicle for temporary cover. Not as handy in a high speed chase, but I'll take the opportunity for keeping bullets away from me.
  8. I think you answered your own question. I believe what he is saying, is that there are a higher total number of encounters with black people, but a higher number of deaths with white people. Meaning that the percentage of deaths to encounters is much higher for whites. Or he's a space cadet and I have no idea, lol.
  9. Lol, that sign is made up of only 7 or 8 names. Wouldn't a small amount of research greatly further your point?? (Not you personally, signs creator). Oh wait, those are the media's favs. Point taken Clay, it's tough to do anything but try to put your family in the best situations possible.
  10. cstmg8

    Rent pickup truck

    They probably will. I'm sure a lot of the concrete they get has wire reinforcement.
  11. cstmg8

    Rent pickup truck

    It costs to dump also. What side of town are you on? Concrete recyclers take it for free. There's one off Taylor above Broad.
  12. cstmg8

    Rent pickup truck

    Uhaul is the best way to go. Get a trailer if you can pull it, otherwise get the cheapest truck. Get the insurance and have no worries.
  13. Listing for my father. Rarely fired, just the occasional plinking when we're shooting all of the guns. Pics aren't great (literally his first smart phone) but I can get better ones for an interested buyer. Asking $450, but correct me if I'm way off, as I'm not overly familiar with this gun. Gun and hard case. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160707/6e97b105cc90ab2cfe926ce414abd761.jpg http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160707/73062c579556da20d0464dbd2b78d830.jpg
  14. This thread is going south.....but, am I supposed to feel bad about it? Taking advantage of everything available to me to best serve my family doesn't mean I'm shitting on the little guy. Should minorities feel bad for taking advantage of the things in life that have been made to benefit them? No, take advantage of it and better you and yours. As far as equality has come, it won't be perfect until both sides stop using it as leverage or pointing it out as a reason for every situation.
  15. Ummm, call me ignorant, but unless that guy did some serious ass kissing and apologising, there'd be a conversation/ass beating going on out of sight from the kids. I'm laid back, but if you want to see me lose it, mess with my little girl. Props to you for spending the time on a project with your kids. You can't win them all, and there was probably a better lesson in there for her. It's about the time spent, and before you know it, she'll be working on her own autocross car!
  16. This video is much better, he does seem like a decent/genuine guy. Oh, and people still watch wrestling???
  17. If you're really interested in electric, I just saw a worx combo at Lowes on clearance for $99. Weed trimmer/edger/blower/2 batteries. Use it for 2-3 years, throw away, money ahead.
  18. Buckeye steel off Parsons also
  19. I believe that's an automatic 5k increase....... or was that you owed VW 5k??
  20. Doorbell chime is probably only 24 volt, but it may be possible to get a low voltage LED fixture that would work. Is there a basement under this area? Usually they are a later addition to the house and you can see the wiring from below.
  21. No problem, I was slammed all weekend (see home improvement thread). They'll be here, just let me know so I can help you load. Thanks for paying Doc.
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