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Everything posted by cstmg8

  1. No question, insulating will help. It's relatively cheap to insulate the walls, so do it right. I don't know much about these door kits, but I'd say if you can feel noticeable amounts of cold coming through it, it should help. Make sure the rubber/vinyl seals around the door are sealing properly.
  2. DD'ing it this week? Maybe when you are bored with it, you can supercharge it with a leaf blower that you have laying around..........
  3. I don't think he'll get fined for it. They're aloud to celebrate as long as its not taunting/excessive. He is a ridiculous athlete though.
  4. Nice! The front quarter panel alone is longer/heavier than most cars today, lol.
  5. Looking like possible losses for #'s 6,7,9, and 10. Will probably catapult Ok St, but should also move msu back up for a quality ranked win when OSU plays them.
  6. If it's cheap enough that you can have fun then unload with no loss to you, then go for it! Not a dream car, but I think it'd be a blast for a little while.
  7. Jolly pirate sucks. I'll bet the gas station gets them from Der Dutchmen in plain city. Reschs is good, one of the guys from work brings them in way to often. Nothing fancy like you were asking for, but just good doughnuts.
  8. If something falls through, I'll take it.
  9. This, 4 done with no complaints.
  10. Buy the gold membership, the standard only covers a few miles.
  11. Nice, how's the room in the backseat (Car seats)? I like the look of the dodges.
  12. I'll try to make it, seeing as I've only met a few people at c&c over the last couple years.
  13. Very nice, we've been looking at these with a second kid on the way. I agree that the chrome looks fine on that truck.
  14. Whoa! No way!?! Pics or it didn't happen.
  15. This http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/10/19/bf366047f3e63974c893bbbbb5406d0c.jpg
  16. Ditto, I hope to get on there one day. COTA is definitely the best track I've been a spectator to, there are so many great places to watch.
  17. Ok, maybe they're just out of the crates of pumpkins at the market building. I wondered how they could be out in the self pick fields, but a lot of them were rotten very quickly on the ground.
  18. How does a program this big miss a spelling error on a starters jersey?
  19. Lynds. We went twice this year. Try the fry pies in the market building, delicious death by sugar. Pickles out front are fantastic too. Oh yeah, and they have pumpkins.
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