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Posts posted by Stretch

  1. I'll be getting this. Been waiting for a while for this to be released. I thought the same thing about the lack of microSD but I haven't even had one in my S4 for the two years I've owned it.
  2. SO here is the thing.


    Running is dumb/dumb/dumb...Why destroy your body running? Other then it is the "cheapest easiest" way to make living after 50 awful...Sorry runners but it is just stupid, and you know it. See the above post is another easy example...


    Get back on your bike, save your knees, shins, ankles,body in general. Get the same vo2 output work, accomplishing the same or if not better calorie consumption, the ability to ride for longer then a 20 minute crap run which really doesn't do much for endurance work.


    Honestly bike riding is by far your best bet if you take it seriously and you wont have any shin pain.


    I am happy to go over nutrition with you if you would like, but only if you stop destroying your body running haha. Running is SO hard on your joints compared to other endurance alternatives, it is just plain goofey sadistic torture to your self in the short and long term.


    This is so incredibly wrong. You can damage your knees doing any exercise, low impact or not, if you don't have the right equipment and technique.


    We know that weight-bearing exercise, such as running, helps prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Repetitive weight bearing and motion are good for the joints, and running essentially does that.


    "Running gets a bad rap, but running can strengthen the knee, and those who run throughout their lives have stronger knees than those who don't," according to physical therapist Michael Silverman, P.T., M.S.P.T., coordinator of the Tisch Performance Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery.


    In fact, the largest study of runners ever completed, which was recently published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, concluded that running does not increase the risk of osteoarthritis (cartilage breakdown), even in marathoners. And, get this: Runners had half the incidence of knee osteoarthritis compared to walkers.


    Obviously if you have poor form or crappy shoes, then yes you'll get hurt. OP is looking for advice on how to prevent that. Just because you're terrible at something doesn't mean you should talk negatively about it.

  3. I've been running marathons for about 4 years now. The best advice I can give you is get some proper shoes. A lot of people think that simply buying some off the shelf running shoes will be good.


    If you haven't done so already, get a foot analysis. Most running stores will do it for free. This way you can get a shoe tailored to your foot strike.


    The first time I spent a few extra bucks and got correct shoes I was in heaven. The difference they make is incredible.


    I highly recommend Fleet Feet. Great people and cover everything from coaching, nutrition, and have a great community.



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