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Everything posted by Stretch

  1. Stretch

    Gentle giant

    Misunderstanding on my end. Carry on. :bangbang:
  2. Stretch

    Gentle giant

    Some more information. http://www.ijreview.com/2014/08/168698-eyewitness-recalls-important-detail-background-video-mins-ferguson-shooting/
  3. Stretch

    Gentle giant

    Sir yes sir. Sorry for providing my professional opinion on something that's brought national attention.
  4. Stretch

    Gentle giant

    You'd be surprised the amount of space you'd need to react properly. The "reactionary gap" they train you on in the police academy is 21 feet. Obviously thats not possible as every encounter is different. Different circumstances require you to be closer or farther away from the person you're interacting with. Impossible to say though without seeing video of this actual encounter.
  5. Stretch

    Gentle giant

    Both instances the person was using a deadly weapon. Officers are trained to match the level of force being used against them.
  6. I had it on a previous car and hated it. It was rather dark though. You would probably be fine at night with something around 50%
  7. Congrats! Very jealous. Would love to make a big move like that someday.
  8. Officers are not required to show you the speed they clocked you at on their RADAR/LIDAR. It's printed on the ticket.
  9. I had no idea you could even get a 5.3 in these things. Very nice
  10. I had a 5.7 GC a while back and loved it. Wish I still had it but at the time I was driving 150 miles a day and gas mileage was killing me
  11. Troopers are contracted to work the fair as security since their academy is right there. Best bet would be to call the fair number. 888-OHO-EXPO (888-646-3976)
  12. Terrible to hear. Prayers for you and your family.
  13. Yet entertaining....
  14. It all depends on who owns the property. If the Fair Board claims that they own the grounds (or lease it), that is now a legal gray area. As owners or lease holders, they have the ability to control activity on the property. Since it's a state fair it may be different. It should be posted either way though. I was there last week and carried but I'm a LEO so it's a little different. I didn't notice any signs though but I wasn't necessarily looking.
  15. I'll be there Saturday and Sunday. GFs parents live about 10 minutes from the track so just going to stay there.
  16. That's insane. How can the guy on the bike even hold on?
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