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Everything posted by Stretch

  1. Was wondering when somebody would start rolling out 2000hp cars to the TX2k events
  2. Good idea. Starting to browse the AR market so info like this helps.
  3. Almost got my car out the other day but realized I'd have to put full coverage back on and then remove it the following day. Too much hassle lol
  4. ZR1 looks to be in relatively decent shape other than being dirty.
  5. bump. Willing to split front and rear if price is right.
  6. back to the top. These are now at a buddies house in Delaware. $175 cash
  7. I believe mine is just under 2,000 around 70mph. I check on my way home.
  8. added some new pics I took yesterday.
  9. That's what I'm going to do. The wheels came off a base model C5. As far as I know, base model and Z06 brakes are the same other than being different colors.
  10. wat I love mine. Maybe it's better since they're black
  11. I know. I checked 50 times when I put them on and couldn't find anything that was rubbing.. Plus they came off another C5 so that was also another indicator they fit. I'm just a dumbass
  12. Just went out and threw the old wheels back on and its fine... figures.
  13. Little update... Just pulled the wheels off the car, and all 4 rotors spun by hand just fine. I figured maybe it just had something to do with the cold weather and the issue was fixed. Put each wheel back on very slowly and triple checked to make sure that nothing was rubbing or touching. Got all 4 back on, started the car, and one is stuck again. I should have just put the old wheels back on.. My own fault. Going to try the old wheels tomorrow and see if that fixes it.
  14. Nope. They're different sizes so I'd be a complete moron to accidentally put a 315 on the front. I thought of it though lol
  15. One car to drive year round, I'd go with something like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Audi-S5-Base-Coupe-2-Door-Better-Than-New-Custom-2013-S5-Hi-Performance-Show-car-with-7800-miles-/301108913091?forcerrptr=true&hash=item461b7d63c3&item=301108913091&pt=US_Cars_Trucks
  16. I have the Galaxy S4 and love it. They just announced the S5 though so you might want to hold off for that.
  17. ST is already a handful being FWD, adding more power and keeping FWD should be interesting.
  18. I don't think it would hurt Mustang sales. Like you said, people will always buy Mustangs no matter what else is out there. Some people just love the things
  19. Somebody on another site said "Credible sources say AWD and ~$37k fully loaded". He failed to tell anybody what these credible sources were though. If it's AWD and I can scoop one up low 30s I will seriously consider it.
  20. http://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/new-ford-focus-rs-coming-america/ Love it so far. 330hp in a hatchback will definitely move out.
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