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Everything posted by Stretch

  1. It tells the other person if you took a screenshot
  2. My choices are TWC or ATT for my new place next month.. I've had decent luck with ATT in the past but will probably go with TWC simply because they offer faster speeds for less. I've heard horror stories about comcast
  3. That sucks. Gonna cost a lot to repair some of those
  4. LEO for about 2.5 years now. As far as education, police academy and associates degree. Still working on Bachelors. I love the line of work. Something different every day, get to drive/walk around, pay is pretty good depending where you work. There are plenty of negatives though.
  5. Just pay it. You knowingly drove the wrong way down a one way, you really don't have an argument in court.
  6. People donated him something like 7k in just over an hour
  7. I agree it's not as good as it used to be, but it's still a good show
  8. Not a Q7, but my dad just picked up a 2013 Jetta Diesel and loves it. Looked at gas models but this thing is saving him a ton. Fun to drive too
  9. Stop doing 50 in a 35 and you won't have to worry about it lol
  10. Easier than downloading: http://www.streetfire.net/video/top-gear-season-21-episode-1_2450408.htm
  11. Still got em. New wheels should be here tomorrow so I need to move these this week
  12. I've driven a SHO and thought it was very luxurious. Not on the same level as a Lexus or Mercedes, but it's up there.
  13. This would be my vote. AWD plus the Ecoboost makes a great combination.
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