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Everything posted by Stretch

  1. Play stupid games win stupid prizes
  2. Badass! Looking forward to seeing the results
  3. The thing would still be a monster even if it stayed at "only" 625
  4. Nice! Love the color. Is it your daily driver?
  5. Would be nice if they offered the diesel ranger in America
  6. I dig it. I'll take one in white
  7. Wonder what the pricing will look like.
  8. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/19c85hj4aeqk9jpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/19c85y8wijrj5jpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/19c8628xx73ztjpg/ku-xlarge.jpg
  9. That's just insane. I wish I could have something even remotely close to this someday
  10. I've been looking around at similar cars that you mentioned and so far my favorite is the Focus hatchback. Great car
  11. "Her name is LaTundra". rofl
  12. http://i.imgur.com/bcwBoxw.jpg
  13. First thought was that it looked like a dart.. Not a bad looking car though
  14. Awesome. Those things are crazy expensive though
  15. Probably a drug repo car or someone that got caught street racing. Seen similar vids of street racing cars get crushed that have ridiculous amounts of money in them.
  16. Was going to use them but crashed my car before I could get them put on.
  17. They'll burn up all their snow days now then we'll get a massive storm in february and they'll have to start going on Saturdays or something. Then they'll all be pissed lol.
  18. Love the styling of those cars but I really wish they had a turbo option.
  19. I've always been against any sort of working out before eating. Your body is rpactically starving after being asleep for 8+ hours. You'll end up buring more muscle than you will fat by working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. It might help some people, but it's not any better than doing it after you eat. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/the-myth-of-cardio-before-breakfast-debunked.html
  20. Nice. I go to Friendship Crossfit in Dublin. Love the place.
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