I read both Trumps books back before he was on TV. I didn't inherit money when he got started, nor was he a poor common man. He got a loan from his dad. Made millions then lost it all. But got back up and did it again even better.
People mention about his failed businesses. The last list I saw had 10 of them. But there were over 100 successful ones. Not every business risk pays off and he is beating the average.
Yes Trump will do stuff that benefits him just like he has in business. But in the process his businesses benefit. So now he business will be the country and it will benefit.
People say he is unpredictable. Yes and no. In the larger scheme of things he will be predictable in the details he won't be. That's how he has succeeded in business. You don't want your competition knowing what your going to do. Now your competition are enemies. Kind of like not telling the enemy when you pulling out of county.
I tend to lean toward the libertarian and conservative side but with some realism. Trump want to cut the size of government, pull back regulations that hurt businesses here, and stop giving money (aid) to countries that hate us. That goes to the libertarian side. He wants to secure the country and make it strong in the world. That goes the the conservative side.
Trump want to shake up and clean out Washington. The "ruling class" has destroyed the country while living very well for themselves. It's time for the "ruling class" to go. The people should rule the country not a small group that think they no better.
Yes Trump is rich, he's not one of the little people. But that's what it takes to go up against the establishment. The RNC has said for years that they wanted some one that can get independents, young, and democrats. Trump has done that and they fight him. Why? They can't control him and they will loose power.