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Everything posted by Bogie89

  1. Haha its all good. Yeah I thought power shack was 24 but apparently they arent.
  2. I'm in Canal Winchester. BLT is too far to train at. I've been there to get a diet plan from Adam.
  3. It was lifting chalk. It wasn't "slippery" it just didn't help my grip. The same kinda ordeal during baseball and rosin bags it made my pitching gand feel "slippery" but it was just the dry chalk on my hands. I am unfortunately at a main stream gym I hate not having the schedule to be able to go to a lifters gym. :/
  4. Honestly no idea what they are called I took the idea from Joey Swoll lol. But they crazy effective. I used to do them for warm up now it's the only way I do deadlifts. Constant tension puts a new difficulty to workouts.
  5. I disliked the one time I used chalk. Hands felt slippery. Nope never done deficits. I know they can help get over hitches in the pull. I did try for 545lbs after this and got it to my knees and set it down it didn't wanna go up any further lol. But when I do my reps I do not touch the ground with the deadlifts. I go to an inch before the ground and pull back up. 4 sets of 405 like that then drop down till burn out.
  6. Yeah i used to the same then my buddy pushed me not to use straps and it's helped grow forearms and grip strength like crazy. Like you said it's kinda personal preference some IFBB pros use them some don't.
  7. Can't grip it you shouldn't lift it. 525 lbs no straps. I'm also working my way away from using a belt. http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o721/Bogey1989/bah/Screenshot_2014-05-26-01-07-21-1_zpsrrp2obm6.png
  8. No straps is best. Quit using them a long time ago.
  9. Boom. Good clean diet and great workout plan cardio isn't needed to cut.
  10. Bogie89

    New DD

    Haha yeah that's the old ride! Yeah I have talked to Adam alot and used his diet plan for body building (I need to get back on it lol)
  11. Bogie89

    New DD

    Good enough to make it worth going that route haha. It's a deal between him and I. Sorry I can't say hoe much.
  12. Bogie89

    New DD

    I'm still torn between a snail or Roush. My buddy just said he could get me a deal on a Vortec so that opens another possibility.
  13. Bogie89

    New DD

    More parts. Headers are in.http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o721/Bogey1989/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140608_150306_zpsicfjncuw.jpg
  14. Bogie89

    New DD

    Haha I am known to get something new every year -_-
  15. Bogie89

    New DD

    Hey shush it Stretch!
  16. Bogie89

    New DD

    Ohhh new parts! http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o721/Bogey1989/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140606_175455_zpsy1tjetpp.jpg
  17. Bogie89

    New DD

    Very well put man!
  18. Bogie89

    New DD

    Roush provides the power train warranty if you buy it from them and pay extra for the warranty. But from being ASE Certified at one point and going through the Ford YES program they have to provide the evidence that the intake caused the issue. But then the Ford Engineers get a hold of your ECU and seen it has been flashed and they void it then.
  19. Bogie89

    New DD

    Thanks guys. Yeah Brian that was pretty good time. These things are much more impressive than their counter parts. Can't wait till its boosted. (Can't wait till its over 1k miles also haha)
  20. I'm currently having the same troubles deciding on wheel color too. :/ trying to be a bit different than the typical black lol. I think bronze or white wheels may make a black car pop.
  21. That is pretty cool. But me being my plain boring self that hates cars with graphics or any paint scheme it would just be a boring solid color for me haha
  22. Bogie89

    New DD

    I think he was just trying to be informational. But as seen by my Ecoboost I'm not one to wait for warranties to expire. I prefer to enjoy the car now and if it breaks I'll fix it. Not to mention if this engine goes I have an excuse to buy the Aluminator engine
  23. Bogie89

    New DD

    I plan for a twin or single turbo setup long before the warranty is up. I'd worry about that over an intake :dumb:. Lol. Also the custom tune voided the warranty under 500 miles also
  24. Bogie89

    New DD

    Glad to see another on here. Anything done to yours? Hopefully here soon mine will have a snail or 2.
  25. Bogie89

    New DD

    Just not as fun as a Mustang. It was tuned and had a lot of stuff done to it. Just not my cup of tea.
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