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Posts posted by FatHemiDude

  1. I would go with dampers next. Brakes would be next if there was fading, even so, pads would be first then cooling ducts; rotors are probably the last. Red Stuff is appropriate for track application, there is a possibility that operating temperature will never be reached for street application.


    Again, forgive my automotive ignorance, but "dampers" replace the stock shocks, correct? Eibach does make an application for my car. Less that $500.

  2. After a few hundred miles with the Eibach Pro-Plus kit installed, I gotta say I love it. Really flattened the car out. highly recommended, at least for the 2012 Challenger R/T application. Only one I have personal experience with, at any rate.


    EBC Sport Series rotors & Red Stuff brake pads are next on the list. Or maybe sub frame connectors. Probably both.

  3. I can't help on the springs, but for the SS Impala I did shocks and sway-bars when I first bought the car. That with new tires made an incredible difference in the handling. The new sway-bars are HUGE solid bars, and body roll was reduced significantly. I can corner hard enough now that I have trouble staying in the seat.


    The Eibach anti-roll bars are as big as Hell.


    Yesterday afternoon after picking the car up from IPS I took some turns I've taken literally hundreds of times over the past three summers and the difference in how the car behaved truly was remarkable. Those same twists that produced not insignificant body roll are now flatly negotiated, even at increased speed. Car feels much....tighter? If that makes any automotive sense.


    I'm curious what you think of the new springs since that was one of the next purchases for the Impala.


    The drop, while there, wasn't dramatic by any means. I've read they settle a little lower with time. I like the look. These cars came from the factory with way too much fender gap.


    I'm unsure how much of the suspension gains are related to the springs vs. anti-roll bars (other than the obvious bars being responsible for the reduction, or frankly elimination, of body roll in the aforementioned familiar turns) but it was immediately obvious upon the first hard brake application that the nose of the car didn't dip near as far as it had previously. Which was pretty fucking cool.


    Good to know there is another home brewer here on the board.

    Oh, and I'm a home brewer too.



  4. Got the R/T back a couple hours ago, hit some favorite twisty roads and although it's an overused term, the difference truly is like night and day.


    Car stays flat as a board in the turns. Far less nosedive under heavy braking.


    This suspension upgrade is going to make the car much more enjoyable to drive for sure.

  5. I just downloaded the latest beheading.....Ugh! Savages! Can't imagine doing that or having that done to me.


    Then I'm willing to bet you're not either a sociopath or a religious fanatic, a particularly nasty potent potable combination.


    Homo sapiens are a pretty fucked-up species, when you think about it. You don't hear about cetacean beheadings.


    You simply can't reason with people who do shit like this. They have the zealot gene. You just have to eliminate them from the gene pool as efficiently as possible.

  6. There are three sides to everything, yours, mine, and the truth. One of the 3 sides here ain't sucking air these days, so we are left with one side, and the truth.


    The big question is, will that one side, and the truth line up?


    I've got friends and family in law enforcment, some of the stories they tell me that DON'T hit the news are enough to make your guts hurt. The shit they see and have to deal with at times is more than most people ever want to face.


    So, I could see in that moment why he might have pulled that gun, even more so that this officer had a pretty clean record.


    I've kind of got a theory on this whole deal now, I'm not an expert, not saying this is the truth, but based on what we know here is what I think:


    Officer detains suspect for walking down middle of the road


    Suspect thinks officer is about to find out about stolen smokes deal that just went down.


    Suspect gets bright idea to fight with cop.


    Gun some how goes off (yet to be figured out)


    Suspect gets bright idea to "come at me bro" on the cop.


    Officer pulls gun as he is bro comming at me and pulls trigger


    In that split second suspect figures out he has made poor life choice and tries to throw up hands as rounds travel down range


    Speed of light is faster than speed of sound, so it looks like he is "trying to surrender" as he gets lit up


    Now, am I an expert, fuck no, am I able to think on my own, most of the time. This is about the best I can do to try and make any sense of this mess...


    Pretty much exactly how I think it went down as well. So in this scenario, is the cop justified in eliminating Mr Brown's right to due process by shooting him in the forehead?


    Or is the cop a murderer?

  7. OK I dug a bit deeper.


    Since Brown had no priors, he would not be charged with first degree menacing.


    Therefore, the two remaining degrees are both misdemeanors. Key word there being "misdemeanor" and not "felony".


    Just stressing the importance of knowing the facts before jumping to conclusions.


    Fair enough. But I would submit that Mr. Brown wasn't shot for the illicit procurement of cigars at all, but for his subsequent actions.


    When he allegedly punched the officer and attempted to gain control of his weapon, I'm not up on Missouri case law, but I'm willing to bet those are felonies.

  8. Do you feel this statement in any way should be considered justification for the actions that took place which ended in Brown being shot? It seems you are. If so, I can point out how foolish this logic is.


    Stealing the cigars? No. No I don't.


    His subsequent interaction with the officer? I have no idea if it justified his shooting or not.

  9. 1) Stealing a pack of cigars aka petty theft is a misdemeanor.


    Roughing up the clerk a misdemeanor as well?


    2) Even menacing, with no weapon, is either a misdemeanor or the lowest felony charge.


    Key word there is 'felony'.


    3) He never had his Constitutionally-protected right to a trial or due process (see my earlier posts in this thread).


    Yeah, bullets tend to do that.



    4) The officer did not stop him because he was a suspect in the alleged theft.


    I'm guessing Brown thought that was the reason he was being stopped. Admitted pure speculation on my part.


    5) "Just saying" what? That people accused of felonies deserve to be shot before the facts of their case are discovered? The "just saying" mentality is exactly the problem with so-called debate in the media. Idiots like Piers Morgan, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Kieth Olbermann are all guilty of shitty journalism when they ask leading questions followed by "just saying." It's a half-ass way of providing a terrible argument/hypothesis with no supporting evidence, then allowing the listener to draw their own erroneous conclusions based on unsubstantiated assumptions rather than a hypothesis that stands up to the scientific method with a broad sample of supporting evidence.


    So I won't win a Pulitzer. I can live with that.

  10. I'm being serious, I've not seen a single thing that:


    1. Justifies the cop killing this kid


    Well, he had just committed a felony. Just saying.


    I'm no friend of our increasingly militarized police forces here in America. Far from it. I see them for what they are.


    Having said that, the officer in question apparently suffered injuries during the initial altercation with Brown, when his (the officers) weapon was discharged inside the cruiser. We, or at least I, don't know who actually fired that shot.


    Those witnesses who testified Brown was executed while attempting to surrender also said that he had been shot in the back, which the autopsy proved false. I personally can't believe a word they say after that.


    The media has a "sexy" narrative that drives eyes, so they set that fucker on boil.


    2. Justifies the need to rip a town apart via riots


    It's mob rule.


    Media has created this mess and now since there are no more cops in riot gear, no more fires, no more ratings they have walked away.


    I'm in no way sold on why this kid (refuse to call him "unarmed teenager") needed to be shot. Why this use of force?


    Have to wait to see the officer tell his side of the story.


    I just can't wrap my mind around why this has blown up but there is no where near the fire storm over the guy that got lit up in beavercreek in the WalMart....


    It's a perfect ratings storm. Trayvon 2.0.


    The real reasons go much deeper.

  11. Still waiting on some facts on this whole deal, but why let facts get in the way of some good riots?


    All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Vanilla Ice said that.

  12. OK. Dropped off car at IPS for the springs and anti-roll bar(s) install. They say they're backed up, so they probably won't be able to get to it until next week. Got a good CR lead on summer tires for next spring as well.


    Sub frame connectors next? Or is there a more obvious modification choice to improve overall handling that I'm overlooking?

  13. I consider Goodyear F1 Supercars an average tire in the summer tire category. There are quite a number of better tires in this category. Depending on your tolerance to noise, what you expect a tire should achieve, and your budget, they can vary greatly.


    The fact that summer is winding down and whether the car is driven in the snow also play a significant role in deciding which tire is the better choice.


    The car is stored over winter, so it will need new summer tires in the spring. My tolerance to noise is high. It isn't an issue. I guess I'm essentially looking for the best all-around performing tires for a street-driven application. I'm not Bill Gates, but budget isn't a primary concern. Let's say 2K?


    Eibach Pro-Spacer is just, well, wheel spacers. Unless you're having a slight clearance problem or you're hell bent on fitting a wheel with certain parameters, let's stay away from them for now. There are more elegant solutions to increase grip.


    Understood. No clearance problems, just curious as to handling performance (if any) gains.


    Again, thanks to you and everyone else that is providing much appreciated input. The car is going to be dropped off at IPS today (schedule permitting) to have the springs and anti-roll bars installed.


    We'll go from there.

  14. Under steer, front pushes wide of the natural arc when turning


    Over steer, rear swings out when holding an arc


    In the most simple of examples


    Thanks very much. Under steer would be my issue. Hopefully, the anti-roll kit will help ameliorate the problem.


    Also, has anyone had any experience with the Eibach PRO-SPACER kit for the wheels? They are available for my application as well.


    I do wonder though if ISIS will eventually turn on Iran since ISIS is Sunni-fundamentalist and Iran is Shia.


    Well, they've been killing each other like it's their national pastime since 632, so I doubt either sect will be willing to "hug it out" anytime soon.


    Iran is already fighting ISIS by proxy in Syria (and Iraq) with Hezbollah.

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