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Posts posted by FatHemiDude

  1. Yesterday was a great day. Nothing to do and all day to do it. Which is pretty much every day for me.


    Up early as always. Wash & dry my "car towels". You know, the ever-expanding overflowing bag of microfiber and drying tools you keep in a plastic bag in the trunk. The Weather Channel assures me that though it will be overcast early, Sol will indeed make an appearance and there will be no rain. In this day and age, if you can't trust a board-certified meteorologist, who can you trust?


    So at 10:00 in the morning I head to the NAPA store in Grove City in search of Plasti-Dip, for a Challenger-related project. Going to paint, well, dip, the DODGE letters on the rear tail lens black, like the 70s originals.


    Only customer there, and after a fruitless cursory recon of the paint isle, I finally acquiesce and ask the apparently 13-year old behind the counter if they stock Plasti-Dip. He looked at me as if I had asked him to name the capital of Uzbekistan. It's Tashkent, btw.


    So no go at NAPA. Head to Lowe's, and now the previously gray sky is quickly becoming patchy blue, I give a mental High-5 to the Weather Channel and the sunroof goes back and the windows go down. From the speakers, Stabbing Westward cautions me not to become the thing I hate, at volume.


    Lowe's has Plasti-Dip. All freaking kinds of Plasti-Dip.


    I secure my can and head to my favorite Car Wash. Along the way, I see a good sized car show spilling out of the Advance Auto parking lot just down Broad St. from the Car Wash.


    So I begin the frankly (to me) enjoyable task of gently exfoliating that huge, impossibly red piece of Dodge automotive eye candy that I have christened 'Redrum'. It sings, am I right?


    I rumble around to the back of the Car Wash to dry (using Meguiar's wax as you dry spray, highly recommended) and hear the sweet sound of "Don't fuck with me"-levels of horsepower emanating from the open doors of Dyno Tune Motorsports, which is located directly behind the car wash.


    After glossing all the trim & making the windshield invisible, I head back to the rear of the shop to see what's on the Dyno. It's a Mustang! Which is exciting, because really, how often do you get a chance to see a Mustang? :)


    Whole place smells like E-85 gas, as there were some minor technical difficulties with the fuel rails blowing off and spraying liquid corn everywhere. It was like the Jolly Green Giant sneezed in the place.


    Ended up hanging out for a couple of hours talking cars while Brian did tune after tune. Met some very cool people, with even cooler cars. Graciously accepted the compliments about "That beautiful Challenger parked out back" from people coming in. The next tune was up, it was a Ferrari Daytona. Naw, just fucking with you, it was a.....wait for it....Mustang!


    I've worn many hats in my 86 years, but in the final analysis, I'm a salesman at heart. So I grabbed a bunch of Dyno Tune Motorsports business cards and stopped at the car show and passed them out. Actually, I keep cards in my wallet and whenever I see a hot car in a parking lot, as I walk by I leave one under the wiper on the windshield.


    Great drive home with blue skies equally sharing the sky with white puffy clouds. Upon arrival, I find my off-road mid pipes & Eibach Pro kit had been delivered.


    Cherry on top, baby. Hope everyone else had a great day too.

  2. Have you seen the video, to see him blaming the US, telling his family to not hate the portrayed killers, telling his brother in the Air Force to stop the bombings and being part of them?


    Personally, I'm undecided about him. His message is clearly showing his support for ISIS.


    Personally, I don't believe it was "his" message in any way. It wasn't a live broadcast.


    It's not like he could have yelled "AMERICA RULES, ALLAH IS INTO FAT GOATS AND FUCK YOU", then broke into the opening verses of Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American". His murderers would have just tuned him up a bit, and done another take until they got what they wanted from him. Perhaps they threatened to murder the other prisoner they brought along right in front of him unless he complied and recited the obvious script prepared for him? Wouldn't that make his sacrifice almost noble?


    I harbor serious reservations that Foley supported the human filth who were shortly going to be decollating him (with a small blade, no less) on video. He had been held captive for two years. Speculation on my part, but I'm guessing those two years were fairly rough ones. His captors aren't Boy Scouts.


    Remember that he wasn't a soldier tasked with a code of conduct while a POW, he was a journalist.


    Just my opinion.

  3. The video was pretty clear in HD so its pretty hard to fake all the blood and action.


    I used to check out Ogrish site in my high school days and have seen alot of torture/murder videos, I always wonder why none of the people seemed to be emotional or scared looking. Same with the video of them herding crowds of guys to be murdered in a ditch together. You would think if they knew this was about to happen you mine as well all run at the same time or say FU and ask for the bullet atleast. Always wondered why that was the normal feelin in these videos.


    The people the ISIS sociopaths are murdering (with some exceptions) are Shia. They probably think they're about to become martyrs and a nanosecond after the bullet passes through their cranial cavity, they'll have 72 smoking hot virgins and an eternal supply of figs. /shrug

  4. Have you spent a lot of time really getting to know your car at the limits you want to drive at? Far too many people rush out for all the goodies before they even know what their car wants.


    Just clocked 18K miles over the last three (really fun) summers. Drove it bone stock for two of those. I'm certainly not a race-quality driver, just an increasingly avid enthusiast, But I do feel at this point I've acquired a relatively good understanding of the car and the way it performs.


    Does your driving style tend to have you oversteering too much? Maybe it understeers? This can be adjusted depending on your sway bar sizes.


    OK, at the significant risk of further exposing my utter lack of automotive acumen, I don't know what oversteer or understeer even is. To me, that sounds like a bucket that is either under the bovine or suspended over it.


    For example, on many front drivers who tend to understeer, ie; my Vibe, a simple rear sway bar replacement now has me neutral to slight oversteer. Does your steering need to be a bit sharper and you've tried new tires?


    Sharper steering sounds great. As for tires, thanks to Brian Turner and his ass-kicking tune I'll have to replace the tires in the spring. The car was factory equipped with the Goodyear F1 Supercar tires as another aspect of the Super Track Pak option. Are there significantly better tire options?


    Your spring rates can affect this, too. But it's too late for that now. ;)


    At my age man, it's too late for a lot of things. :)


    How's your turn-in? Would you like it be sharper? Perhaps you'd trade some stability for that? That's going to be affected by camber and toe.


    I'm loathe to affect the daily drivability of the car, so keeping it stable sounds the better option there. "Camber and toe" at least as the terms are applicable to automobiles, might as well be written in Thracian. No idea what they mean. But I will find out.


    And of course, the more you brace the car, the more likely nvh levels will increase. You have to consider these and decide what your tradeoffs are worth.


    I'm cool with it being noisy. I have the upgraded sound system (which is quite good) and I listen to The Byrds really, really loud.


    Anyway, that's just the quick gist. There's so much more I could add to those statements plus some new ones. lol Of course, there are others that I'm sure here who may have some more time to add things I didn't or know more about your car specifically. Either way, I'll check back here later or you can pm me and I'll help any way I can.


    Half the fun for me when purchasing things like this is the research and knowing exactly what I want.


    Thanks very much for your time and useful elucidation. I'm here to learn.

  5. Yes that's what he means, also things like strut tower braces, anything to add structural rigidity. Makes a pretty substantial difference on a lot of cars.


    I have a Petty Racing strut tower brace (front) and plan on installing their rear brace as well over the time the car is in storage.


    They also offer Bolt-in Sub-Frame Connectors ($269). From their website:


    Do you already have our front strut tower brace and rear shock tower brace? If so, make the next step toward increasing the structural integrity of your Challenger chassis and add these Petty's Garage Sub Frame Connectors.


    The Bolt-in Sub Frame Connectors are made from 1" x .120 wall square tubing for brute strength. These Sub Frame Connectors offer triangulation which greatly increases the structural integrity of your challenger. This Bolt-in Sub Frame Connectors are a removable structural addition to your Challenger once they are installed.


    For those who hit the drag strip or like to hard launch their car once in a while on the street, these are a must have upgrade!


    Thanks again to everyone for all the information being supplied. I really do appreciate it.

  6. Well the autopsy results are in, he was not shot in the back as claimed by the person with him, along with the other wittnesses.


    Witnesses frequently lie, especially if they have an agenda.

  7. Outcornering mommyvans and pickemuptwaks is a good goal.


    I'm a simple man with simple dreams. And a car that corners like John Goodman on methaqualone.


    One thing to consider is to compare spring rates due to the fact that your car has the factory suspension package. I would consider an anti-sway bar set before replacing springs and, if possible, increasing chassis rigidity and bushing compliance.


    Already ordered the Pro Kit. ($248 from AutoAnything with a 10% rebate)


    Anti-sway bars are next on the list.

  8. I have a prokit on the Supra. It's great. I have not had sportlines so it's hard for me to compare. I will say that littleguy and I were just talking about the supra's suspension not even a week ago and we both commented how much better that car handled without much sacrifice to ride quality. We both commented how it may even be a bit better. I combined my springs with some nice adjustable bilsteins. Beautiful. Who needs f'n coilovers? (I mostly back road my cars, so the setup's great.)


    (The pic in my sig was pre-eibach/bilstein suspension, so ignore that.)


    Car has the Super Track Pak option, which came with Bilsteins, so I'm set there. Just need to get some better sway bars and I'll be carving Shelbys like so much supercharged roast beef.


    Well, that's probably a bit optimistic, but I bet I'll be able to out corner a Minivan with a full load of Baptist, an issue which at the present time with the stock suspension is in question.

  9. I'm looking to upgrade my stock springs next week, and was wondering if anyone on the forum had an opinion on or could compare and contrast the Eibach PRO-KIT vs. the SPORTLINE kit? The price difference is substantial.


    Car is a nice-weather daily driver, just looking to help The Red Titanic ride a little lower in the water and turn a little flatter, as it were.


    Thanks very much for any input, as I know exactly dick about automobile suspensions. Zymurgy? Yes. Rear sway bars? No.

  10. Looking at your signature, I assume that was your car. Beautiful car and it sounded killer, even the Ford guys were talking about how good it sounded lol


    Thanks, man. Just ordered a set of JBA Off-Road Cat-Delete mids to finish off the exhaust. Should sound even better after the install. Plus hopefully add a couple extra RWHP.


    Stopped by the shop the other day and Brian said that 38 cars hit the rollers, average of 5 per hour. That's moving.

  11. Brian is a solid guy for doing this, as it looked like a ton of people came out, and involved a metric assload of work. The guys strapping the cars on/off the rollers were moving, man. A well-oiled machine, it was.


    And the first car on the Dyno was a Mopar, which made things even better, for me at least. Great time.

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