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Whitey last won the day on February 19 2015

Whitey had the most liked content!

About Whitey

  • Birthday 01/01/1978

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Delaware County
  • Vehicles(s)
    2014 Shelby GT500

Whitey's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Good call Haven't seen that commercial for a while Or.....maybe that Apple in the gimp's mouth from Pulp Fiction
  2. Now, if we could just find a filter for the EPA's dirty mouth......
  3. http://www.ohioconstitution.org/?s=Issue+2 If the link works above, then it has a breakdown of Issue 2
  4. The significant problem with Issue2 is the stifling of one's right to petition for tax reform. Vote No on Issue 2
  5. From the past experience of a guy I know......not legal advice: He may have to just bite the bullet and show up However, on the points issue: asking for no points and having the magistrate grant your request doesn't prevent your insurance rates from going up....it just means not having points added to your record.....if that's the only goal.....then one could show just show up at the court date and just ask that no points be added ....one should .have a good reason though....e.g. Based on previous driving record if applicable If one is looking for no rate increase, then one could plead not guilty and the court would give another a court date....if one is lucky, then the officer may not show and the case could be dismissed
  6. Serious post Thank you for feedback
  7. Thanks for the av input i still remember making a room full of business men watch He-Man on TV when I was a kid at a hotel waiting for a flight to vacation....simply because I showed up at the hotel lounge earlier than they did....... They had no complaints......cool hand Luke That's old school cool
  8. Sounds like I have a new girlfriend
  9. So you break loose at 130 in Albania Do you spend money getting better tires/rims first to enjoy full throttle touchdown or spend money to adjust fuel type and increase horsepower? Give me some feedback both ways please. Not a He-Man joke
  10. Ok ok ok......I'll finish my story from the last thread because I know you guys were on the edge of your seats. But you youngsters have to promise to get right to bed afterwards: I am Adam. Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Greyskull. This is Cringer... my fearless friend. Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said... By the power of Greyskull!
  11. I got the p$&&y on lockdown Old green eyes is going to miss ya He had s*x with my momma Sorry I just the saw "Half Baked" again the other day
  12. Whitey


    His car had so much power that it actually hurt my ears when he took off Made me feel old complaining about it in my head Like an airplane takeoff
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