Figured I'd post this up incase anyone was interested in joining. Pioneer Motorcycle Club in Waterford, Ohio ( is hosting the State Championship Hillclimb this weekend. A few folks are heading down there to ride all day Saturday, then go watch the hillclimbs and have some fun. Entry to the hillclimbs is $10 and includes free camping. It's a blast. Alcohol permitted for spectators. If anyone is interested in meeting up for riding, post up in this thread. We'll find a place to meetup down there to ride.,+OH+45786&hl=en&ll=39.529367,-81.604342&spn=0.0237,0.057163&sll=40.365277,-82.669252&sspn=5.992925,14.633789&hnear=234+Angle+Rd,+Waterford,+Washington,+Ohio+45786&t=m&z=15