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Everything posted by Casper

  1. She's your wife's kid. Figured she'd like trucks.
  2. I'm surprised she wouldn't want something like this Shawn.
  3. We didn't realize she was with you. Just thought it was a jackass cager following you all way too close.
  4. Really? Tornado watch here until midnight, which makes zero sense being that the Weather Channel says 0% chance of rain until like 2am.
  5. Absolutely beautiful here. Just muggy.
  6. We have a couple that need looked at.
  7. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/14/71/995/14225/ITEM/Motion-Pro-Hex-Axle-Tool.aspx?WT.ac=SLIsearch
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Deltran-Battery-Tender-Junior-Jr-Charger-Maintainer-12V-Volt-Motorcycle-ATV-Car-/330919530362#vi-content That's the cheapest I've seen them.
  9. I think I can cover my gas and food.
  10. Casper


    MJ still things it is 2.
  11. You can post it yourself if you like. There's no more 30-day rule to post things for sale.
  12. San Francisco. https://www.facebook.com/DirtbagChallenge http://www.meetup.com/Friends-Motorcycle-Group/events/86903222/?action=detail&eventId=86903222 http://dirtbagchallenge.com/ < It's down right now.
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