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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Casper

    Health costs?

    My health insurance just went up. I thought Obamacare was supposed to lower costs???
  2. Or... Or... And I'm just thinking out loud here... Do this... BEFORE black Friday shopping...
  3. Just the same as year's past. Mike's Grill. 10p-ish until they throw us out. Cash only. Yadda yadda. Mike's Grill 724 North High Street Columbus, OH (614) 291-9441 Map Call me if you get lost or whatever. If you don't have my number, PM me. This isn't an OR thing FYI. It's something a few of my friends and I have been doing for ten years or so. It's an open invite type of thing. The more the merrier. https://www.facebook.com/events/487501704606346/
  4. Just the same as year's past. Mike's Grill. 9p-ish until they throw us out. Cash only. Yadda yadda. Mike's Grill 724 North High Street Columbus, OH (614) 291-9441 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=mike%27s+grill+columbus,+ohio&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.764446,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=mike%27s+grill&hnear=Columbus,+Franklin,+Ohio&z=14&iwloc=A Call me if you get lost or whatever. If you don't have my number, PM me. This isn't an OR thing FYI. It's something a few of my friends and I have been doing for ten years or so. It's an open invite type of thing. The more the merrier. https://www.facebook.com/events/487501704606346/
  5. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/3390166648.html
  6. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/3424281891.html
  7. http://columbus.craigslist.org/ctd/3408216163.html
  8. Do you have any other pics?
  9. Well, I'm pretty sure Linux has the most apps of all the OSes.
  10. Damn that sucks man. Get better soon.
  11. Sounds like someone went and installed Windows on your computer, man. I'd be pissed.
  12. Definitely not me. Like the others said, you seem to have a virus on your PC. Should've bought a Mac.
  13. Where's their freaking bailout!? Wonder Bread is too big to fail! All those people without jobs! I will miss Twinkies much more than I would've missed GM.
  14. Not us. We're up there though. Us: Currently Active Users: 341 (82 members and 259 guests) 600rr.net: Currently Active Users: 461 (55 members and 406 guests) zx-10r.net: Currently Active Users: 334 (38 members and 296 guests) goldwing owners: Currently Active Users: 286 (14 members and 272 guests) gl1800riders.com: There are currently 421 users online. 124 members and 297 guests twowheelforum: Currently Active Users: 1467 (8 members and 1459 guests) 8 members???
  15. Limited Brands donated $5.7 million to help end cancer. I'm proud to have been a part of it. I highly encourage everyone to ride Pelotonia next year. It's more rewarding than you'll ever realize. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mEl27ePtug A few friends and I are shooting for the 100 mile ride next year. Please, join us. And if you're free tonight and have $25 laying around, come out for an open bar, food, live entertainment at tonight's Pelotonia check presentation at LC Pavilion: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=100526
  16. Live entertainment, food, and drinks (open bar dude!!!!). Tonight's the night. The 2012 Pelotonia Check Presentation at LC Pavilion. $25 if you order your ticket at the link below (3hrs or so left), $35 at the door. Even if you didn't participate this year, come on out, support a great cause, and have a few drinks. Who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to join us for next year. http://pelotoniacheckpresentation.eventbrite.com/
  17. Definitely go and check this out if you can. You know there's always something you want to pick up from IP. What better time to buy it than when 10% of your money is going to help someone in need?
  18. Definitely not spam. I was in a Suburban with him that got into an accident on the way to the bar last time he was in town on leave. I won't mention who was driving.
  19. http://www.amazon.com/Big-Christmas-Box/dp/B00A2KV7XW?tag=dealswoot-20
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