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Everything posted by Putty

  1. In for $10. I need to live like the Wolf of Wall Street.
  2. Coke or are we still talking lottery?
  3. I have Nationwide. I guess I am happy with them..never had to use it.
  4. Fuck I need to win this Powerball. fuck
  5. I decided to upgrade, so this is for sale. Nothing wrong with it... $120 Stats: http://www.cnet.com/products/pioneer-vsx-917v-k/specs/ http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/20150210_170313_resized_zpsnr7mgkga.jpg
  6. Putty

    Better call Saul

    I'm on the fence. I guess my expectations were too high.
  7. Better than Sweetest Day I suppose.
  8. Talk to me about what you're buying...
  9. YES!!!!!! Straight outta Compton and 100 miles N runnin were and will always be classics http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/qajisdM_zpsamb6bixw.png
  10. I usually don't, but with this beast I had to . It's so big that holding onto it is much easier and you're less likely to drop it from what I found.
  11. Trek..I have a hardtail though. Spent roughly $1100 on it.
  12. Good to know. My AK loves steel cases.
  13. I didn't know this and now probably will never go. Bad enough most of these places have issues with steel ammo...now they want their own stuff. No way...Places need to think about that shit when they aren't the only game in town.
  14. New place on Bethel Rd. LEPD I believe.
  15. 3rd just started. 4 down. I have Shameless on deck.
  16. The "Cadi"....which is the police station?
  17. Show is pretty damn good. Some twisted romance happening right now, but....
  18. Putty

    Lunch at work

    This is such a tough subject for me. I try to pack, but end up hating everything. I end up bringing Stouffer's meals and a sandwich. Either PB&J or lunch meat. Then a pile of all day snack. Chips, cheez-its, etc. Oh a yogurt as well. It's much better when I'm working out cause I add a protein shake that helps.
  19. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/eRBf4Wg_zpsmz3skjqm.gif
  20. Putty

    Apple watch

    Nope! I think it's overpriced and from what I have seen you cannot answer the phone from it. It's merely for notifications.
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