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Everything posted by Putty

  1. I have a WASR I have been going back and fourth about selling. 100rds through it....literally. $600+ range though
  2. I've been a ton of times. That's where I do IDPA. We shot the 100-300yd range, too. Nice place.
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20090216/us_time/08599187977400
  4. Once a member, why wouldn't I no longer want to be a member??
  5. Nerd. Find me the card counting game that was on the news. Vegas wants no iPhones in the casinos
  6. Well, it does....fuck the lines..lol
  7. According to the show...they had a "Pick a payment" option when those people were getting loans. There were like 5 to choose from. Low to high, 1 to 5. The 1st was like $1100 a month to like $1700 a month. Most people selected #1 which was not even enough to cover the interest a month...Dude said that shit was compounding like crazy and then BOOM! payment explodes! I blame both people equally, lender and borrower.
  8. Greg, any Ruger mini 14s up there? Price?
  9. So today they announced the plane was on auto pilot when it crashed....why? There was no need for it then. Plane did a few spins and then fell at 800 ft per second. WTH happened up there.
  10. Damn! My AR shoots like a dream.. I feel like im in a video game shooting it....lol
  11. Putty

    Xbox 360 issue

    If they had the replacement warranty, you should be able to take to BB and they replace it on the spot.
  12. "By 2005, 38% of World's clients had subprime credit scores. And customers were shown fliers that told them their income would not be checked by the bank. "So I don't really need to know what you make. I don't need proof. You tell me you make $200,000 a year? You make $200,000 a year," Bishop said. "No verification?" Pelley asked. "Not gonna check," Bishop replied. Asked how many loans would be covered in a single day, Bishop said, "80, 90, we would keep track of it. 80, 90, 100 would be reviewed, yeah. Oh, yeah."
  13. Putty

    Best V-Day Gift

    How bout a night full of arguing as a gift...F that day!
  14. Who saw 60 minutes. Down right shame what was going on over at World Savings bank....pure sad!! http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/02/13/60minutes/main4801309.shtml
  15. They need to hire an 18yr old punk kid that does nothing but run ammo all day. Pointless to get a number, 15 back, to get a damn box + of ammo. By time I get called i'm so pissed I be done forgot what the hell I wanted.
  16. I'm all out of 7.62 and .223, soooooo probably not for me. I just screwed with the settings on my .38 laser. Now I am not sure if it's on or not. Gotta get some range time to correct it. I have no desire to stand in line and vances for hours to get ammo. Oh, I think I am going to get a mini 14 now. I liked what I saw from it today.
  17. Greg and ebell, thanks for the good time. Good to meet you, E. My buddy said tell you thanks for letting him shoot so much of your ammo. We'll have to do it all again.
  18. So noon on Sunday...be there.
  19. Saw this on news....Yikes!
  20. OK....I am sure there are cures to all illnesses out there...The thing is, we'll never get them. The $$ is in suppressing the illness not curing it. You realize how many pill pushers that will go out of business if there are no more issues.
  21. $10 for kids.. Not sure for adults
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