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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Sorry for your loss!! R I P
  2. See message on page...Very interesting. I am sure lots of cash will be lost. http://www.myrtlebeachbikerinfo.com/default.html
  3. I just shoveled the drive
  4. All I removed is now back...Wasted my damn time. It was fun though.
  5. I snowblowedid Poor guy!
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/inoutxz5_3.gif
  7. Cool...I saw the Bud Clydes at the fair this year. Pretty sweet.
  8. Why's he so mean? What's the purpose of the mini's? Just something diff to have?
  9. Does the mini one talk?
  10. LJ, can you take me there to see Donkey? Are they lined up for a race? Dont ruin this for me
  11. I want a Donkey after seeing Shrek
  12. I've been waiting all year for this. I'm leaving early.
  13. Knapp vet Hospital did my Boxers. $519. Great job though. Free after care and rewrap visits. Be prepared for a process. I'll never do it again to a dog.
  14. I get to use my snowblower when I get home....YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! later!
  15. Oddly enough I could see that really happening....
  16. Ya..you're right...you can have this one. I'll take another.
  17. Ben starts it. I just finish it...APPLE SUCKS! See what I did there, Law man!
  18. Paying for the name...dont fall for it. My Pioneer gives my shit more than they can take and my house feels like it's about to rumble down...mega BASS!!
  19. MAWWWWW...the baaaaaaaby!!! I got one http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/107/babyuh8.jpg
  20. Ahhh....CMH....amirite? What that gonna do with lying?
  21. You lying...You just wanna leave work early. I'm callin ya boss
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