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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Up down around...poke with tongue....see the AV. <---------------------
  2. The baby didn't even flinch or cry.
  3. You want my name removed.....but BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I've never seen that video..good stuff.
  5. Sure, i'll be nervous if the time comes. Although, I won't think twice about using it to stop someone from harming me or my family. IDPA uses a timeclock/score(accuracy) to get the pressure up.
  6. Well, I shoot IDPA which is training to shoot people. All the scenarios are "say you enter a store and three robbers approach". You must engage each person with three shots....two in the body, one in the head.....on people targets. So there is training to kill people...I do it biweekly in the summer. I used to feel this way, but I go nowhere w/out it now. I refuse to be a victim. I'm flashy...it's possible.
  7. Putty

    Speaking of guns

    Nice place, but they have a couple cocks working there.
  8. Putty

    Hell with Ford/GM

    Hmmm, I need to research this.
  9. That's terrible. Sorry for your loss.
  10. You got the point..D I A N A
  11. LOL.....i'm sure none taken
  12. Go new....I just got a 50" Sam 1080p for the huggy lowdown.
  13. There's a saying...."I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6". That means to me, if I am in a situation that I need to pull my gun and kill a person and I feel I am just in my decision beyond a doubt, I'd rather take my chance in court with a jury....than end up dead cause I failed to act.
  14. See, that's a sticky situation...Why? Because there are gonna be cameras and various interviews by the FBI. Therefore, you're going to be told..."this guy was robbing the bank, but you were over here and he was waaay over there not even interacting with you..You shot him. That may be jail time to be honest. The robbery scenario.....no, I think most people would shoot the guy that just robbed them. Hard to say what the outcome of that could be....really is. Although, the threat was OVER and you engaged him. That's a no no.
  15. To be honest. CCW training tells you that if you are in no danger of YOUR life...you better not pull the gun. My teacher said if a person got the drop on him and said "gimme the money". Gun is on him. He'd give it up and most would think that once the bad gut got the money and fleeing to pull and shoot...well, that's jail time. Even though what just happened. So a bank could be getting robbed with you in it, but if the robber is not causing you any immediate danger or threats...you'd probably be best to leave your gun on your hip. Let him GO.
  16. Putty

    Hell with Ford/GM

    Sorry...I don't believe that. There's no way a car company is the foundation of our economy.
  17. They still doing shit like this....let em bankrupt.. http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/WallStreet/story?id=6285739&page=1
  18. Yes, that is the trigger guard pin. I did not have a piece of wood to put under the 'ears', so I didn't snap em off when banging it in. I managed to find one...that piece is in place now. Very easy install it was....
  19. Chic or pork.....no beans. little rice, peppers/onions. little s cream. JUST cheese. Hot red on the side.
  20. I used this vid....Followed it and build was flawless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA_Vkb2UB1w and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq4KfUaVp8M&feature=related
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