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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Glock 19 is good for a full size. I'd rather a 26. The p220 is good, too. I'd rather the p245. Good buys you made there though...Now stock rounds and lets shoot.
  2. G Spot is a myth....that spongey area in, up and back does nothing.
  3. I blame Flounder. You going? Dellyward park here... http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM1BWF Permits are $5 daily Blackwing http://www.blackwingsc.com/
  4. The AK is fine....I corrected it. I had to remove that piece...Just a tad high now. Although I had to order a new stock for it....he he! Blackwing....hmmmK!
  5. My AK is fine.....My lower is not here yet....just the kit and stock. Lets not discuss my AR...KthanksBye. K, Delaware is a better place, imo. Find the #. Wait, you dont already have it...you got everything else.
  6. I have feelings. I'll take you shooting, hunny....Let him go play with his boyfriend. Big Darby on that hourly shit is dumb.
  7. I hate being ignored... **pistol play**
  8. Tell me how it is on there compared to COD4....I wanna get this around 1130 today. Not if trashy though Dig a hole!
  9. I've never had a squirter.....life fail!
  10. Stern on XM now....tell me, tell me tell me!!!!!
  11. What console you sacs playing on?
  12. You gotta protect baby....Never just sell guns...trade or replace.
  13. Putty

    Blackberry Storm

    I love the people that say they can't use T-mobile or others because their coverage is suspect, yet they never leave Columbus. Go figure!
  14. How's this game on 360...should I buy today??
  15. Putty

    Blackberry Storm

    +11tybillion Which is waaaay too damn much!!! What company is this?
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