Well, you can usually save a little money. Plus you dont have to spend the entire amount at once, if you don't have the cash. This gun would cost about $1200 if I got it completed, but I am not paying that doing it this way.
Loan me that EOtech
Cat pisses.....cat goes to pound....solved.
My GFs cat did this in her condo...it had been doing it for so long that the carpet had to be pulled and the wood on the floor had to be removed and replaced. Cat piss ruined the whole damn floor. You think you are cleaning it....HA HA...wait until you have to lift the carpet. That cat found it's way to the cat welfare THAT day. Pain of missing it goes away. Hell with cats.
Nah, it wasn't that good. He might as well of worn a mask. he's a superhero. Can't be shot. He's a stunt driver, pilot, hitman, magician....all of that in one. I give it 6/10