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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Putty


    Go to work.....SHIT!
  2. That why I said "pretty decent job"...She wanted it....I had to get it.
  3. Putty


    Where you watching the game? Any wing places got a "all you can eat"??
  4. I am done with this thread...so no issues with me.
  5. Dude, you have no idea what cheap vacs leave in your carpet as well as put back into your carpet...You need to have a good vac company demo one in your home to see the difference. When I get my tax return, I am going to buy a Kirby Sentria vac. It's $899, before tax....They were just at our house and made the Dyson look like shit! Fucking worth every penny, if you keep a clean house...My mom has a Rainbow vac that hit her for $1000...SOB is a carpet dream!
  6. **not taking the bait** Here she is....go get one... http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7779641
  7. LMAO....New carpet....gotta take care of it..You'd be amazed...those cheap vac do nothing but make your carpet looked vac'd. ....it's messicans
  8. Bikes are out of commission....dawt!
  9. We bought blue Dyson the other day...$403.** after tax....Does a pretty decent job.
  10. The bottom line here is I SAID fuck HNW.....You like them, shop there, work there, live there for all I care. I don't, I won't, and will tell everyone that ever inquires about them to think again. That's my prerogative and does not need to be liked by you, Satan, or anyone else on this board for "Christsake", as you put it. I've discussed this enough...Neither of us feel differently.....however, I am moving on. Good weekend, Fellas!! Putty Out!
  11. Did you read where I said they were with people. I spoke to Mike for a second and moved on for him being busy. Tom was on the phone. Now you're talking....Fuck off to HNW
  12. Did I not say the say exact thing you did or am I the only one that can read it.....
  13. Must say I am not surprised to see this thread...
  14. Exactly it's old news, which has nothing to do with this thread in any way, shape, or form. I don't know you to be a fan of yours, but if stirring up old, need to be forgotten news is what you're in the business doing...good for me I don't. I formed my opinion of the shop which does not affect you in anyway, but thanks for looking out for my best interest.
  15. I am not going to discuss my former Hinds issues with you..Thanks for calling up there and scratching old wounds...good man! Of course you did.
  16. First, you should only discuss things you know about. Jeff and I about fought one day due to matters YOU know nothing about. bullshit bullshit bullshit......I made the GCs up to post in this thread.
  17. Reading is fundamental....thank you
  18. What the HELL are you talking about...? MS sent several of us some sort of giftcard in the mail....Hinds sent one in the mail just before XMAS....You want a picture of it..
  19. Keep thinking that...I'll be just fine when I get a new bike....Right here in Columbus. I am not mad at anyone here..... What part of I go there HNW all the time to buy little things did you not catch? I frequent that shop all summer long. I stop in to BS with Mike or Tom or buy little things here and there, so it was not like I walked in the place for the first time. The $10 had nothing to do with the fact the screw could have broken or snapped blah blah and you know that. Bolts was hungry, it was lunch time, he wanted to do it real fast and have me pay for his lunch.....which would have been fine if he said...."I can do it really fast for a few bucks"....People on here know....if someone helps me out, I have no regrets paying for the time they used on my crap. I disagree.....for instance all the bike nights and Quaker...places that give away free shit all the time...It's used to attract customers back to the establishment..Usually the shit given away is stuff given to them by vendors or stuff they want rid of, that's meaningless, yet means a lot to you or me and would make me say "Lizards shop is pretty cool...look what they gave me, just for going there...." I'd give my money to your shop on the mere fact of minor things...Hell Hinds sent a $25 gift card to me the other day just because...MS sent one, too....That's how you get good word of mouth support..simple things..IMO
  20. I told you I work very close to that shop, so I took it there.....I knew MS or Hinds would have pulled them out for nothing...I assumed they would have, too. Also, MS would have taken them off when they removed the wheel from the bike, but I didn't know I needed them off then....so I told Drew, No, when he asked if I wanted them off.
  21. And that's ALL I have been saying here...
  22. He was doing work that was paying the STORE. He wanted to do work for me that paid HIM to eat lunch. Honestly, I don't care about any bridge there...The place will never see me again. Tom and Mike are cool, but if it causes an issue...i'll be ok with that. They burned a bridge with me cause they will get no more of my money no matter how small it is.....more than $10 though.
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