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Everything posted by Putty

  1. It made it easier to give him a handjob..... Gay'er than a football bat. LMAO!!!
  2. Means next time.....Get a speedohealer.
  3. No, I bought that portable one that you can place in car and in home. It was a option when I bought my car, but I didn't get it....I opted for the NAV. I hear those that come pre-installed works like a champ.
  4. Websense got me cornered here.....What's the running rate for one....?
  5. I had Sirius, but I returned it and cancelled. It was always kinda fuzzy and the quality, when good, was not as good as free radio. I thought.....why am I paying for radio that is not as good as free radio. CANCELLED.
  6. I did my own. Best site to use, if you don't have the software is http://www.turbotax.com
  7. LMAO!! I knew they were close, but damn!
  8. It was a great film.!!! Will did a good job with it.
  9. I do my own.....Did them, got the money back.....spent it.....woot!
  10. Putty

    Cooper roll call

    He freaked me out a couple times, too. I just saw him coming at me and a high rate of speed, drifting. Got it....thanks!
  11. Putty

    Cooper roll call

    What do I search for on YouTube to find the footage?
  12. You not take pics yet?!?! What's wrong with you?? LOL! You've seen it already, so.....everyone else can wait until summer.
  13. Putty

    Cooper roll call

    We were there...No one showed. Made it to Ackerman and had a blast...Good meeting the guys that were there.
  14. I could see that....The color is sex on wheels....
  15. What the hell is wrong with you? Eitherway, get well soon.
  16. Yeah, it's probably the cheapest place to shoot indoors around here. Just $6 for the lane. As Pedro said, we buy bullets from Wal-Mart beforehand. This .45 is a little more expensive to shoot. Heck, a box of 100rds in Winches costed me $28. .40 and 9mm were less than $20. I won't be shooting this as often as the other. New Albany is just too damn expensive and I dont care if I ever go there. In the summer months we hit the outdoor range up 23N on route 226/223 or some shit like that. It's $5 to shoot rifle or pistol, but free to shoot skeet.
  17. I'm with you there.....SA for me all day long.
  18. Here is a site....The forum part is VERY detailed. Great site. http://www.ohioccw.org/ I think you would have to take the same basic pistol course as every other person that has the permit.
  19. Yeah...this thing is sweet as candy....I love it!!
  20. No issues ever with the XD. It's a great gun. The sub-compact is perfect size for ccw. There is another one in March. They have always been expensive...One of the most behind Wilson, I believe.
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