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Everything posted by Putty

  1. First 3/14 for this chic and early notice of what today is and no steak for me when I walked in. Massive fail! Not sure she'll see the next 3/14 with me. Eating fucking Chinese.... Dammit! Edit: for what I just did...hell with a steak. I'll keep her.
  2. Model p845t-s4310 750gb, 6gb ram New (not one pictured) $600 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/20130314_201750_zps3234af52.jpg
  3. New as you can see.. $325 for silver Pros $225 for black Studios http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/20130314_200857_zps6f6f3d08.jpg
  4. Lmao...I remember that.
  5. Why...there are actual BB users out there. Best Buy is sold out online for it.
  6. We are upgrading our infrastructure to mobile fusion to support BB10, so I got it for another work phone. No way it would replace my Note 2.
  7. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/Faces/obamahmmw.png
  8. No, I don't think anyone expects you to do that. However, if you were already in your car, you would look out for it. Everyone isn't in bed during the 3rd shift. I don't think emergency messages were meant to be silenced. Pick a person in your life that means a lot to you. Say something tragic happened to them and someone needed to notify you personally regardless of the hour. Would you want the message to get to you at 2:52am, silenced, and then when you get up at 8 or whenever you look over and say "Oh my mom was kidnapped 7 hours ago, but I sure got a good nights sleep" (hope nothing like that happens to you...speaking in general)
  9. Is this a joke...It's an emergency. They sound off just like any other emergency...when it's happening.
  10. Same one I got. I left them on. If I can help find a missing kid I'll read a plate #.
  11. My kid loved the taxidermy, fish tank and stuff. She also played with some pop gun. She enjoyed it...lol
  12. Putty

    Walking Dead

    Shit episode!!
  13. LOL^^ All I got were some cinnamon covered peanuts...YUM!
  14. I used Quicken. There are several step by step walk through guides on various sites to help. Here is all you need to send in... -Memorandum of trust -Cert of compliance -Schedule A -Form 1 -$200 -Dec of trust -Cert of trust (At some point you didn't need all your trust info to send in, but now the NFA examiner wants it all.) Also, a while ago you were allowed to put the shortname of your trust on your form 1. For instance "John Doe's Firearm Trust". Now you have to put the full name "John doe firearms revocable living trust" with city and state or it will get kicked back. When you get your lower or whatever engraved, you can get the shortname on it. I submitted mine months ago for my SBR and it hasn't been kicked back, so I assume it was done correctly.
  15. Store sucks...no idea why people were seriously walking from mall to this place. People were coming in groups almost like a field trip. I was in and out in 20 mins.
  16. Broom stick to ass with mannequin in bed was funny as fuck!
  17. Tact light w/switch http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/20130310_200002_zps0437cdad.jpg
  18. Hiroshima clearly wasn't an example enough... Nagasaki either. Add North Korea to that. Fuck all the talking.
  19. I'm gonna get out there tomorrow for sure to check it out.
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