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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. SpaceGhost

    Wing Stop

    Louisiana Lickers at QSL.... I can eat 30+ of those at anytime.
  2. You already have a winter beater.
  3. Aaron I know way more about VAG then you ever will. And no, I am not talking about a car manufacturer.
  4. Hey Aaron, look at post 2, did I type S7 there? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109767
  5. Aaron if it makes your day that you think you just schooled me, so be it. Jawohl!
  6. Hell I even knew it has the 4.0t v8 which is NOT in the photo....
  7. I typed RS7, on my phone it only typed the S, I added the images and saw it didn't take the R, you really think I take the pics on my phone and post them were is says right in the photo RS7 and I don't know it's an RS7? Thanks captain obvious.
  8. It says RS7..... And at the show, it said the RS7 has a 4.0T v8.
  9. RS7 has the same motor and is much sexier. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/03/05/2egute3e.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/03/05/a8azu5a7.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/03/05/zy2usude.jpg
  10. Awesome photos, visibly they seem to be missing something and that makes them more appealing. Hmmmm, will have to ponder this puzzle a bit longer, what would that be?
  11. I'm here at McCarsonies.
  12. Pretty sure you missed the sarcasm, McSubtle.
  13. Pretty sure I knew that, McObvious.
  14. Pretty sure it is 2013, McFly.
  15. Wow. Looks like a Facebook heist.
  16. Glad you are ok, being in a 9 car pileup on 270, I feel ya. "The big one" is not fun.
  17. Wish I was out there this week, bunch of friends are there. Was watching video today and looked like a perfect day. Right now: http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/03/03/py5upase.jpg
  18. They all can't be as cool as your birthday thread jeezzz.
  19. I'm using the term "bench racing" very loosely. Just trying to cheer some people up, warmth is just around the corner.
  20. Time change is next Sunday the 10th, and first day of spring is the 21st. That is all.
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