Since I only see his fucked up comment by way of being quoted by Jeff, Yes shithead, I low sided a fucking bike on purpose at highway speed before hitting a close personal friend and getting him tangled up in BOTH our bikes. I did what I was told to do in that situation by my MSF class instructor. My DECISION to wreck "all by myself" as you put it (only to put me down), may have saved my life and a close friend's. So you can go fuck yourself, "douchebag reddit reject troll". Real fucking funny isn't it that I chose NOT to run into the back of a friends bike and possibly hurt/kill him. Some day you may have to make a snap decision in your life that may have mortal consequences not only for yourself but others, think you will be as lucky as me? And again to CR as I always do when speaking about this on rare occasions, thank you to the group of guys that were there that night. It's one of CRs best moments. I am grateful. I'm disgusted that someone can make fun of a shitty accident and think they are cool for it, you are a piece of shit and that's why I have had your ass on ignore for a long time now. I only wish everyone would have your ass on ignore.
My apologies....