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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Went DirecTv don't care about price, very happy.
  2. Or Hostess just becomes a new company and makes them again under a new company name.
  3. Yeah according to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Hitler never killed any Jews.
  4. Difference is Hamas targets whatever, launch rockets and don't care who they hit, they are fucking terrorists. Israel doesn't blindly carpet bomb Gaza, and they could. Israel would leave them alone if Hamas quit launching rockets into Israeli cities to kill civilians. Israel has every right to defend it's cities and retaliate. Oh and Hamas is backed by Iran, so yeah fuck that murderous piece of shit country, and their leaders. The people are pretty cool, the religious leaders suck. I mean on Piers Morgan, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies the holocaust ever happened in WWII. And he's only a puppet leader. I have a few Iranian friends and their parents fled the country because the current government is trying to kill anyone that is not Islamic. No crimes committed except not being a Muslim. :dumb:
  5. What good is having money if you can't blow it on what you like?
  6. You know fuck faces, I have Pneumonia, you know how painful it is to laugh when you have Pneumonia? Subscribed.
  7. I thought Gardner threw the ball much better than Denard does. Now with Denard playing RB (Toussaint out) and Gardner under center, may be better for Michigan. Now they are not as 1 dimensional. Proof is the reemergence of Roundtree in the offense the past few weeks. I think Michigan has a legitimate shot at this game. OSU is 1 dimensional, take Braxton away and not much left for OSU.
  8. Can this train wreck of a thread be locked now, the child got his WiiUs.
  9. Does it really matter Tim? Think about it this way, people are given $$ and this reduces crime, take away the welfare and watch people just start taking shit, killing for $3, now we pay cops overtime to collect them, the government pays to prosecute and Jail them. It's not like they are getting ahead, I'd never want to live in a welfare area. Let them be happy and content with the little they get. I'm good with my lifestyle. Not jealous at all.
  10. Hand that fucker to farkas it's just low enough.
  11. Someone should create a line of dialog with the hitler scene in inglorious bastards.
  12. I bet lots of companies are interested in buying "twinkies". Hostess is counting on it.
  13. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/17/e4ady4y3.jpg Still strong.
  14. LOL Vanilla Ice says he's way better than Tim, on Friday nights only. Sturg's jimmies have definitely been rustled.
  15. We shouldn't be giving Egypt a fucking thing.
  16. Oh noes no moar twinkies! Stupid people don't understand that there will be "Little Debbie" Twinkies. Or some other brand.
  17. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/17/e5ysa3ep.jpg Just a few minutes ago.
  18. It's just like how AT&Ts 4g and 3G were faster that Verizon, Verizon just had more towers, and couldn't do data and a phone call at the same time. :dumb:
  19. Bought 2 tickets, looks like 1 showing on one day per theater. 7pm. Better buy tickets....
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