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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Cool next officer I get pulled over by, I going to do all the same shit, I'll lay $100 A) fucker does not call in backup B) he doesn't search my car C) If I have a sweatshirt on, he will never say I look like a thug drug dealer. Why? Because my ass is whiter than Hitler himself.
  2. Is that good or bad? The white one is most likely SVTkid on here.
  3. Deal! We may need your wife to represent us. I'm not admitting shit, and I'm calling the fat doughnut eating honky "Cracker" to his face.
  4. Tim the guy said he couldn't see his plate in the window because it was dirty, then said he saw no seatbelt on Phil plain as day. Phil called him on his bullshit logic, I would to, and I would laugh too when he says Phil is a bigger object, Phil isn't a seat belt, a seat belt is a smaller object to see than a license plate in the same view not to mention darker, Ohio license plates tend to be pretty colorful lately. Why is this hard to follow for some of you, the officer was talking out of his ass making no logical sense. Then took it to a racist level with the comment. If Phil wasn't a dumbass and admit to not wearing the seatbelt, a public defender would have a field day with the audio from the cruiser, I'm betting it was recorded in the squad car. The cop contradicts himself according to Phil, if true there would be reasonable doubt, not guilty.
  5. Can't sleep, feel like it's Christmas eve, it is supposed to be here tomorrow. I'm drinking some NyQuil.
  6. It sacres me some of you don't know a racist comment when you read one, like it's a normal thought and ok to say a Black man looks like a thug drug dealer because he has an OSU sweatshirt on. Really? Yeah, sure, it's the sweatshirt.
  7. SpaceGhost


    I went to a show in Phoenix a few years ago, it was awesome when they sneak up on your ass!
  8. Bullshit answer nothing, it is your right, nothing you say will help you ever. And it's none of the cops business ever to know why I am where. And my RIGHT to tell him it's none of his business. I have nothing to hide, the officer is hiding that he is building a case right in front of you by acting as you friend or nice to you. He is not going to defend you in any way if you have to go to court. Been posted before, watch them, useful info. Part1 defense attorney explains why http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8z7NC5sgik&feature=youtube_gdata_player Part 2 Officer explains why http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08fZQWjDVKE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. Who the fuck is getting "arrested" for a traffic violation? When is a minor misdemeanor an arestable (is that a word?) offense all by itself?
  10. I don't bitch about the ticket, I pay them, I bitch about the lectures cops feel the need to talk about albeit totally hypocritical. I didn't vote because neither of those opinions are how I feel about police.
  11. The most ultimate Superbowl would be the Cleveland Browns vs The Detroit Lions! Neither have been there and are the only 2 teams that haven't made an appearance that have history longer than 50 years. The Texans haven't gone but they are an expansion team.
  12. SpaceGhost

    Mods Poll

    Apparently the other sponsors feel the same way as I have only heard back from a couple since I sent out PMs last week.
  13. I have a very fine/good attitude until I get lectured about speed. Collect your revenue and move on, I most likely was speeding, i will pay it. 10 cars just past us doing the same speed I was just doing while the officer lectured me about speeding. EVERYONE does it. I might have been doing 140 somewhere in Dublin Mexico one evening and put the brake pedal through the firewall. When he got to my window he simply said I know you were going faster than I clocked you, but I got you at 80, drivers license and registration and proof of insurance please. I said here you go sir, he wrote me my ticket and I went on my way and I paid it the very next day. He was honest with me, I was courteous to him, best stop I have ever had.
  14. truth, I'm not a Browns fan but christ come on! I want to see them in the game badly! Or maybe the Texans, or Oakland.
  15. Yep revenue, kudos to you for fighting it. Again Just being nice and taking the officers cock in your ass does not get you out of a ticket, it gets you pissed at yourself for being a bitch and then having to pay them money for doing so. Again, if I am treated with respect I will give it, just because you went to a police academy doesn't earn you respect, it's your actions with that badge that earn you respect.
  16. Anymore? He is looking for a used one, care to explain "anymore"?
  17. SpaceGhost

    Mods Poll

    =Fiero I had an 88GT at the age of 19. You know the one that was made right unlike your 87. How about you hit puberty and sell it then get back with us.
  18. I will be fair and say I know a few Officers and I know they are good, so not all officers are crooked. If most for them would get off their soapbox when writing me or others a ticket, I wouldn't say a word. However when you walk up to my car like I just robed a bank for doing less than 15 mph over. You will get it right back, I don't have to listen to the officers shit/mouth. Respect me first and I will respect you. These officers speed in their personal life, don't look down on me like your shit doesn't stink. Hell that HP Officer and Gahanna Police officer were clocked doing 150MPH and was gonna skate until the officer's boss that wrote the ticket stepped in. Even then neither of them lost their job. Don't lecture me about 72 in a 65. Everyone speeds in America, hell I told a Judge in court to his face that I know he speeds on the freeway and if he said he doesn't he would be lying, right after I was lectured by him. It most likely cost me some $$ but I wasn't going to be his bitch, and I got applauded. He had to go home and and know when he looked down and saw himself doing 72-75 MPH he was owned. It was worth every penny. Again show me some respect and I will do the same. All that needs done is say I clocked you over the speed limit, it's against the law, here is your ticket, drive safe. Cars are better equipped these days and speedlimits should be raised, I was just in a 9 car accident on 270, I sprained my wrist, and one lady had her nose broke from her airbag, and that was it. As many accidents on the freeways as you see every day, a very very small number of them are fatal or serious. Drive 65 with the Cruise control on on 270, watch how bad you impede traffic, and create a bad situation.
  19. Someone else will have to chime in on that. I haven't heard of them being bad, but I also have never went looking for info on them as I have not owned one. The Early WRX 5 speed was a joke I read. I never had anything go wrong with my Stage 2 02 WRX 5sp. I just knew not to do a 6k clutch drop in first and second.
  20. I would say Legacy, just because the MS6 is FWD is it not? I'd rather have AWD for the money. The boxter is pretty easy to work on and reliable.
  21. I had an HP officer clock me doing 65, I had a detector and 2 witnesses in the car. He pulled me over on 23 in Marion, said I was clocked doing 80. I said hell no, told him I was doing 65. He asked me to get out of the car, I did, he sat me in the front of his cruiser and started to write me for speed. There was a sign in front of me that read, you are being audio and visually recorded anything you say will be used against you. I said "Since I am being recorded, I want to go on record and state I had my cruise control set to 65 and I have 2 witnesses. I will be going straight to the Marion courthouse and will request your dash cam video for evidence as I will not be just paying this ticket." He stopped writing, looked at me, got out of the car walked all the way around my car and got back in the patrol car. Ripped out what he was writing, started a new ticket and informed me that he was no longer writing me for speed but for no front license plate. I said "well at least your crooked ass is writing me for something I really am guilty of doing." He finished I signed told me to "be safe" I responded "fuck off". And I went on my way and later paid it. This asshole saw an import with a big wing and just wanted to ticket me, how many people has he fucked over? Everyone knows not to speed in Marion that is all the HP does is run radar there. I wasn't speeding, he was a dirty cop, and I wasn't going to give him any respect, he lost it by lying. The fact that he didn't stick to his words told me he was dirty.
  22. When your fans can't shut the fuck up for a couple of moments during the national anthem you should be ashamed. You could hear the "let's go steelers" during the national anthem and I was at a Penguins Game at the arena earlier this year, they chanted "let's go Pens" during the national anthem there too. Have some fucking respect, you get 3 hours to chant that shit during the game. Fuck the Steelers and their disrespectful fans. <---Lion's Fan
  23. I'm white and have been pretty shitty to many an officer after I get the "You know speed kills right?" speech for doing 72 in a 65. Fucking RE-tarded what some of these guys say during a stop. And I have never had my car searched. In fact One officer threatened to search my car after I told him to go fuck himself after I got the soap box, blood on the Highway speech, I said "go ahead I got all night". He still didn't search my car. This was Highway Patrol in Delaware. If you think it doesn't have anything to do with the color of your skin you are fucking blind. Go sit in Franklin County traffic court and see the list of tickets Black folk get and white people get 1 ticket. I was in there 1 time, I had no front plate, 20%tint, didn't signal a lane change, and I was speeding. I was written for the speed. Had to go to court because it was like 2nd or third in a year. Whatever. I'm sitting there and one black kid gets up there and he is charged with Speeding, failure to stop at a stop sign, busted tail light, muffler violation, missing headlight, and no front plate. It was like a broken record as I watched person after person walk up and hear the list of charges. I walk up and I am there for just speeding, and I could have had all those charges. It made me sick.
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