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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Thanks everyone for the concern. This place is pretty cool at times like these.
  2. Thanks Jones I thought we covered that already. LOL. Good to know on the RS4.
  3. Saw an 07 RS4 for 44k. Hmmm sexy.
  4. I really liked my car and didn't really want a new car. $800 in snow tires just a couple of weeks ago. Right Derek? Fuck me!
  5. Jones get at me about Audi's the wife wants me to get something bigger since we are expecting our 2nd child. Would like a V8 S4 or a Q7. Just kicking things around.
  6. I was the only occupant of my vehicle. Gahanna PD officer took me to the hospital and said the crazy part was there were 4 accidents there in 30 min. 1st accident happened and the officer was handing a lady a ticket, 2nd one happens, he walks up starts to handle that one, get half way through that one another one happens, then the officer called for backup, and ours happened with many cars.
  7. Yeah some BMW and Toyota got together and traded paint on the right two lanes of 270N and headed into the other 4 lanes, people in front of me hit them, I hit them, people behind hit me. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  8. At St Ann's getting and X-ray of my left hand. Other than that I walked away.
  9. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee, NASCAR is fun!
  10. Antwon, the most snow is N and NW of the center of the low. That is going to track north into Wisconsin and Michigan then on into Canada. What the Weather channel is showing is the backside getting us with the wrap around and very cold air moving in behind it. The center of the low will be way north of us. The perfect path is for the center of the low to pass south east of Ohio. That is not going to happen.
  11. Cold air starting to penetrate the warm air and rain in Iowa south of the low changing it to snow. http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/RadarLoop/usa_None_anim.gif Low looks like it is now just moving east. No more south push. This is updated every 3 hrs. http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/CustomGraphicLoop/sfcmap_None_anim.gif Local radar now of the low: http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/RadarLoop/dsm_None_anim.gif Live Local radar for us later: http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/RadarLoop/day_None_anim.gif
  12. Starting to pull moisture from the gulf.
  13. Well 18Z is still 2-3 inches for Franklin Co. http://wxcaster4.com/gfs/CONUS2_GFS0P5_SFC_ACCUM-SNOW_63HR.gif
  14. If we are going to continue with the GFS: Snow getting less: http://wxcaster4.com/gfs/CONUS2_GFS0P5_SFC_ACCUM-SNOW_63HR.gif
  15. LOL, to be clear I WANT 2 feet. But if we get 1-3 I will be surprised.
  16. No sir, I always have my Mr. T wheels on. We ate dinner at Easton around 6pm and I was in bed by 7pm. I am lame. Also I have a "CR" sticker the top of the rear window.
  17. Accuweather.com is going with the Euro being correct. The above is the American. So not much snow for us. http://www.accuweather.com/video/655578741001/icy-blastpart-two.asp
  18. Tell him not to worry the PM will still be in his inbox on Monday.
  19. Yep he can check his PMs, I left him a present. One shouldn't thread shit after just getting back from Vacation. Some children have to learn the hard way. Text him "Merry Christmas" for me would ya? Oh and my poll is still up if you want to get your frustrations out.
  20. Just remember http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/weather_radar.png
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