Yeah our households are almost identical, i can't imagine why our demand would be more. 5 people are equal to two, wait I bet your dogs play Xbox right? They watch cat videos on thier own right? If you want to call me a liar just come out and do so Trish, don't beat around the bush.
With that being said yeah I would get pissed when watching the Grand Tour and it would pause and buffer 5-6 times an episode. Having to reset the modem weekly got annoying too. My wife just finished watching 157 episodes of Gilmore Girls on Netflix, she's been watching since Thanksgiving. Almost our entire house is connected to WiFi, front door locks, lights, all house fan, thermostat, garage doors, cameras, weather stations, list goes on....
Anyway, hey folks if you live in a fiber optic equipped neighborhood, check out if AT&T is an option, if it is you may like the service. I don't receive anything for you using their service. Just giving a heads up.
Good day.