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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. I saw this on road and track and I keep wondering why hasn't a Vette or Viper done this?
  2. Pretty good, I was pleasently surprised. Loved Chris Harris on the FXX K segment.
  3. Good marketing that is for sure.
  4. Yeah as you can see in the e-mail I posted we were told we can carry to and from school, and it is to be stored in the glovebox or trunk. That is quite a bit better, as before if public safety found any gun in my car, I would be prosecuted and fired. That made impossible to carry on weekdays.
  5. I love our Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland Eco Diesel. Great interior, awesome power, great gas mileage.
  6. If you want real plants, I can split off some of my Amazon sword plants for you and give them to you. They are overgrown in my 75g and I will split them off and just toss them. Live plants at fish stores are really expensive for what they are. I know you are pretty far but they are free. I have an Ehiem Canister filter, totally worth it if it goes in your bedroom, completely silent. Virtually no maintenance for years once the tank is cycled. Also for about $15 fish places sell the refrigerated bacteria to get your tank cycled faster. Remember you only want to have a couple of fish in the tank for the first month or two. I usually do bottom feeders like catfish.
  7. LOL Adult Shaming. Only on CR.
  8. Was it warm the day you drove them, we have had some really warm temps. In the 60s mine get really soft, on a day like today in the 30s they are great. I don't like to drive on mine above 50.
  9. Something is wrong with your TPS reports? Maybe it's the cover letter.
  10. Drove to Phoenix and Back in 2011, no radar detector, no waze app, no CB, no tickets or any issues. I went through Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. Drove a car with a giant wing and tinted windows as a cop magnet. You are white, you will be fine.
  11. http://www.drugwarrant.com/articles/why-is-marijuana-illegal/
  12. Ford was genius with the 350. I love that Ford is once again giving the finger to Ferrari. I'm trying to go to Le Mans next year. I want to see the GT vs Ferrari for myself. I love that Ford is celebrating it's 50 year anniversary victories in 66-69 by attempting to win Le Mans 4 years straight again.
  13. Did he smack the oil pan down when it landed and bust it open? I saw the sparks...
  14. Tim, a republican congress refused to do their constitutional duty and confirm a Supreme Court Justice. A Republican controlled Congress shut the Government down for not doing their jobs and cause the US Credit Rating to be devalued. Fuck that noise you posted above. Give me a fucking break....
  15. Hysterical, this country was founded on that action, Boston tea party comes to mind, but carry on..
  16. Any of you Democrat/Republicans/Librtarian/Civilians/Whatever you are, now ok with Russian involvement at any level with our government on the side is fucking laughable.
  17. There should be a bounty on Anthony's WRX with the STI wing visible in the pic posted in here.
  18. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/a3/a31b7338f4ed121738fda3d6b0ba1aba4f8b2e5cfe90163ff04e016b7bbae80b.jpg
  19. That is what I was saying, he most likely knew what those guys were doing and got the f out of dodge.
  20. http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/arts/television/2017/170125_TV_Conway.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2.jpg Polishing a turd...
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