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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. I'd also like to point out another reason for leaving WOW is we got a letter a few weeks ago, stating that WOW is completely dropping NFL Network. I like to watch the pregame talk on Sundays in the fall. Now also I will be able to watch the Thursday games too, unlike with WOW.
  2. Sorry Tim in two weeks I will not be a WOW customer any longer. So I went to the AT&T store this evening, and They offered me 6MB internet, Land phone, and DirectTV WITH the Sunday ticket and Sunday Ticket to Go(Watch Any NFL game on my iPhone or Computer) Cheaper than what we pay Wide Open West now by a lot, plus we get 5 months of all the movie channels for free which is cool because the wife wanted to watch True Blood. All will be done and hooked up in a couple of weeks Just in time for NFL. Oh and I had to buy the equipment, HD DVR, and 2 HD boxes, but I am being credited for those on my wireless account on my iPhone. SO They are free in the end. Plus we get the new service that allows us to record on the DVR and watch it on any TV in the house. Bring on bad storms as I have a 100% clear view of the South sky, since all anyone can say bad about DirectTv is the MAY go out in a storm. I have an Antenna for Over the Air HD already anyway. No biggie. Again all cheaper than Wow is charging us curently. For me to stick with Wow I would have to pay less than half what we pay because I feel I am getting More Channels, better picture, Better DVR, SUNDAY Ticket, and the to Go, plus I can set my DVR from my phone! but -2MB for internet. Which My apple connection maxes out a 2MB to their servers so I really could care less. Other than web surfing that is the most bandwidth intensive thing I do on the net. WOW used to be 6MB and I was fine with it. Other bonus is we consolidate another bill into one payment. TV, Internet, Phone and Cell all to AT&T. The deal was too good to pass up.
  3. I really think this is a stoooopid question. Kudos for you asking. LOL (I would expect a woman to ask this question) If the nozzle was closed you used no water dummy.
  4. A fast (F1.8) 50mm lens is mainly a portrait lens IMO Andrew. Opposite of what you want.
  5. It's not her fault, they are fucking stooooopid.
  6. Also said the cops had to chase the Shooter.....
  7. Matt it is mostly Live Sports events on the big 4 networks I have noticed since that is mainly what I watch. I would love to go to Direct TV but holy shit do they fucking rape you per month. I did the Extra Choice package and looked on line what the bill would be per month for only TV and it is like $109 For the first 7 months because I would get the Sunday Ticket, then it drops to $64 a month for 5 months and the the 1 year pricing is up and it jumps back to $93 a month. If you do the premium package it is like $76 for the first 5 months, then $132 the next 19 months.
  8. I wanted to see if others were getting the same issue as me first, if not then I am going to call in.
  9. All I know is the HD looks really bad recently.
  10. Can't believe you used to draw dicks all day.
  11. Is there a Ban on Denny's actually in Columbus or something? Heath Area is not Columbus.
  12. Ok So I was at the Father-in-Law's house yesterday and we were watching the brickyard 400 on his brand new Plasma. I have been noticing the drop in quality in Wow's picture quality, the race looked horrible. Square boxes everywhere, and the picture would degrade and be rebuilt constantly. I have been noticing this a lot lately in my house too, like Wow has started to compress HD channels. Also the Digital channels are the same, When my daughter watches noggin, the picture gets Boxes and pixelated all the time on that channel. Anyone else seeing this lately?
  13. I guessing that isn't directed at me, I have bought many apps over $5 hell I have a $50 app.
  14. Did I stutter when I typed that?
  15. Gave up on white, ordered my 4 at the AT&T store yesterday. I'm gonna have Apple replace my 3GS so my mom has a new one when I get my 4. I'm waiting on their email to order my vapor case. Black and Red I think.
  16. Sexy: http://www.elementcase.com/iphone4.html http://www.elementcase.com/images/Banner1.jpg http://www.elementcase.com/images/Vapor_Green.jpg Carbon Fiber on the back. http://www.elementcase.com/images/Banner2.jpg If I decide to get an iPhone4 tomorrow I might get this. Black an Red. http://www.elementcase.com/images/Banner3.jpg
  17. I have liked my switcheasy cases, cool they come with the port plugs.
  18. I'll take his word for it. I don't need to find out if he is embellishing.
  19. They took our Kodachrome away!
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