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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. It's gettin' hot in here! http://tagrecords.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/nelly.jpg
  2. Yes we as Americans should hope an American computer company should fall on it's face. We should all start supporting Lenovo and the Chinese.
  3. He is for now, but I bet the rumor is true about them fixing the antenna in the phones, that is why the delivery time has sliped back to 3 weeks. Couple that with the launch of it in 17 other countries, it's gonna be pretty hard to get an iPhone 4 for a while.
  4. That is the issue, gun in hand, and the last thing he says is "State Police". I think he is an Off Duty cop, not unmarked....
  5. Shouldn't he of said Nelly? http://blogs.bet.com/entertainment/spotlight/bet-blog/assets/2009/12/nelly-crop1.jpg
  6. Me either, FBI would be at my house because I bounced it off the International Space Station.
  7. Video: http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/100716iab73asc/event/index.html
  8. You will, it mutes the phone or tries to start a facetime call or turns on the speaker. The sensor doesn't turn off the screen as well as the other phones did. It is a pretty important sensor for a touch screen phone. Shit needs fixed ASAP. Like Jordan said above, you don't want the phone to turn on speaker when your old lady is tearing you a new asshole for not taking out the trash in front of your buddies.
  9. http://www.wickedlasers.com/images/products/arctic_series.jpg At first I was like come on, then I saw the pic of the product. LOL Although I am pondering, how does George havd a copyright to a product that doesn't exhist? I mean say we find a way to make a "light saber" does that mean all the work and energy that goes into building one and bring it to market mean nothing for those people? Lucas automatically gets to sue and sell the "light saber" because he dreamed it? Well then dammit I'm gonna dream a type of sandwich and have McDonalds start making it and sue.
  10. I agree, but I was not going to buy a $29 rubber band so that I would not drop call as much. Also I find it interensting that Apple has never made a case for it's phones, but in the release of this phone, apple has it's own "bumper" to cover the antenna ready to go at launch. Jobs said the bloomburg report was "bullshit" or a "crock". I think that is a bold face lie. They had to know the antenna was an issue, why else make the "bumper"? They never made a case for any other iPhone. Truthfully I have said all along the proximity sensor is a bigger issue. Steve said that will be fixed in the next update.
  11. We already knew that though, it was another very vauge comment, complete BS IMO, he should have had a date for Pre-order. He also mentioned the proximity sensor issue, which I feel is even worse than the antenna issue. That will be fixed in 4.1 I bet. Maybe we will see a 4.0.2.....
  12. So everyone gets a free case and they don't have enough bumpers so they are going to give us a couple of choices of cases. LOL Steve is gangster!
  13. http://www.macrumors.com/2010/07/15/apple-releases-ios-4-0-1-for-iphone-4-3gs-and-3g/ http://images.macrumors.com/article/2010/07/15/141720-ios_4_0_1.jpg Remember folks this just adjusts the bars so that you can see what the exact signal is from AT&T and makes your bars look a little bigger, this does not fix the antenna issue or the Proximity sensor issue. Tomorrow there is a press conference at 1PM EDT. The new rumor: http://www.macrumors.com/2010/07/15/analyst-claims-design-fix-for-iphone-4-signal-issue-being-deployed/
  14. The constitution is just scrap paper anymore.
  15. I think we can agree that whole Genre is fucking gay.
  16. This thread is way off topic, I'm failing to see the pic of her in her new shoes?
  17. Damn. Same shit Apple does though. meh, I wouldn't mod it anyway.
  18. If you have a dual radio router like an Apple Time Capsule, you run 2 wireless networks. I run my network and a "guest" network. I let people who come in to my house connect to my Guest network, it keeps them separate from you. I bet Netgear or Linksys has a N router that does that too.
  19. What are the rotors made of?
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