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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. SpaceGhost

    I'm A Dad...

    Congrats, let the diaper changing begin!
  2. Quote me, fuck face. Can you leave my name out of your man pleaser?
  3. Not a chance in hell in your relationship. It's gonna take way more than chewing on a used tampon.
  4. Glad to know, so If I take my range bag to a hotel without a Conceal and carry permit and load it up in the room I am good?
  5. If I lived in Michigan, I would want to be his neighbor.
  6. I hope The Continent Inn does not have those fucking signs banning firearms on their property.
  7. I'm a blink from being sociopath and all it is gonna take for me to snap is for someone to harm my little girl. I'm enraged enough about the little girl down in Florida whose body was found in the landfill because some fucking soulless shitbag discarded her like she was yesterday's trash. I had to watch this little girls mother cry and beg on National TV (the Today Show Wednesday morning) for her little girl to not be harmed and returned. Then Yesterday she got to find out what happened, her daughter was returned alright. The fucking details told to her had to be more painful then any physical tourture someone could inflict to a single living person. I want to fucking rip apart, with my bare hands, the piece of shit that is responsible, and it's not even my little girl. If this woman happened to kill the person responsible, I would stand in hell next to her for eternity, for I feel she would have done what should be done. There is no justice for this magnitude of pain.
  8. VMWare Fusion 3 will be your friend with WIn7 and a MacBook Pro.
  9. I paid 29.95, I download it tonight when I get home. Got my download e-mail this morning. Now I am just waiting for VMware Fusion 3 on the 27th for $39.95 to download. I will run XP and 7 on the Mac.
  10. I just got the 6 box limit yesterday of .40 federal 180gm at Wally World on Morse, I will be going again tonight for another 6 boxes if they have them. $12.97 a box.
  11. That is as queer as a 3 dollar bill.
  12. Porn hub has a mobile website that is iPhone friendly, videos look great.
  13. As far as people saying AT&Ts network sucks, I drove from Mt Airy in Cinci to home here in Westerville with a friend and we were able to watch the DirecTv NFL Redzone channel on my iPhone app the hole way home with it only losing it's buffer 3 or 4 times for 20-30 seconds. That app is tits if you like NFL ball, and so is that channel. It streams the live games on the iPhone. AT&Ts network is only going to get better and better. I get near perfect 3g service all over Franklin county.
  14. http://www.macrumors.com/2009/10/19/verizon-goes-on-offensive-against-iphone-again-with-droid-does-teasers/
  15. I need to find some .40, but it's possible next week.
  16. I am a member at new albany as well.
  17. The price of the show is fucking retarded, saw them when they were here, lucky the tickets were given to us. It's not worth the price of admission.
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